Assange: Clinton Pushing for ‘Pence Takeover’ of Trump White House

| Infowars,

Vice president denies allegations of mutiny against Trump.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange alleged Tuesday that Hillary Clinton and two intelligence officials are working to replace President Donald Trump with Vice President Mike Pence.

Assange asserted that Clinton, who views Pence as “predictable hence defeatable,” is pushing for a “Pence takeover” at the White House.

Clinton stated privately this month that she is quietly pushing for a Pence takeover. She stated that Pence is predictable hence defeatable.

wikileaks-hillary-assange-julian_small Assange: Clinton Pushing for ‘Pence Takeover’ of Trump White House News

“Clinton stated privately this month that she is quietly pushing for a Pence takeover,” WikiLeaks’ editor-in-chief said. “She stated that Pence is predictable hence defeatable.”

Another tweet also claimed two intelligence officials “close to Pence” were actively planning the “takeover” – although it was unclear if “Pence agrees.”

Julian Assange

Two IC officials close to Pence stated privately this month that they are planning on a Pence takeover. Did not state if Pence agrees.

Assange later added context by stating that the alleged comments specifically concerned attempts to impeach the president.

Julian Assange

It should be noted that both the officials close to Pence and Hillary Clinton spoke of moving towards an ‘impeachment’ not other action.

“It should be noted that both the officials close to Pence and Hillary Clinton spoke of moving towards an ‘impeachment’ not other action,” Assange said.

Pence responded Tuesday by labeling the comments “absurd” and “frankly offensive” during a discussion with radio host Laura Ingraham.

“I would find all of that dialogue to be absurd and frankly offensive,” Pence said. “It is the greatest honor of my life to serve shoulder-to-shoulder with the 45th President of the United States.”

“To see his leadership every day, to see the compassion that he has for the American people every day. I would dismiss that out of hand and tell you that I’m just, I’m so excited about the progress that we’ve been made strengthening this country, protecting this country, reviving this country’s economy and all credit goes to President Donald Trump.”