Associated Press Urges Reporters Not to Mention Existence of Gender

Daniel Greenfield,

No gender please, we’re leftists.

Alternative facts? This is a whole alternative reality. Not to mention alternative biology.

In a Friday email to subscribers listing updated entries for its style manual, the Associated Press is urging journalists to avoid making references in news stories that suggest there are only two sexes in the human race.

“Not all people fall under one of two categories for sex or gender, according to leading medical organizations, so avoid references to both, either or opposite sexes or genders as a way to encompass all people. When needed for clarity or in certain stories about scientific studies, alternatives include men and women, boys and girls, males and females.”

superwoman_small Associated Press Urges Reporters Not to Mention Existence of Gender Media Bias

The Stylebook issued further guidance for use of pronouns under an entry named “they, them, their.”

Those third-person plural pronouns are preferred by some transgender or gender fluid individuals who say they are not comfortable with traditional male or female personal pronouns.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Associated Press has decided to unrecognize the existence of gender. Because gender is now politically incorrect. What might have been parody once is now just the media in the death grip of an insane left.

No gender please, we’re leftists.

One morning we’ll wake up to the left insisting that the sun revolves around the earth because it’s the source of all social justice. And the media will scurry to insist that it’s settled science.
