At What Age Do Millennials Consider Themselves Adults? The Answer Will Stun You.
A new report has found that millennials don’t consider themselves adults until they reach the age of 30.
Yes, you read that correctly.
According to The Wrap, research compiled by David Poltrack, the chief research officer at CBS and their ratings expert, as well as Nielsen Catalina Solutions found that millennials consider themselves adults at age 30 because that’s when they typically are completely responsible for themselves – they no longer reside with their parents and pay entirely for their own bills.
A key reason for this shift is economic: the job market has been sluggish since the 2007-2009 recession; worsened by the rising cost of housing. The employment situation has also been particularly tough for recent college graduates who are drowning in student loan debt.
When dealing with the aforementioned economic challenges, the cushy nature of staying with one’s parents has become rather alluring.
Poltrack told The Wrap that in a way, parents have “coddled” millennials, encouraging many of them to stay at home.
“They’ve made it too good for them,” Poltrack said. “Why would you leave?”
Conservative Review‘s Chris Pandolfo offered a concise and precise thought on the matter:
People used to think you became an adult at 13.
I hate my generation.
— Chris Pandolfo (@ChrisCPandolfo) March 23, 2022
The widespread parental “coddling” — reinforced in the educational system and progressive nanny state policies — in conjunction with a largely stagnant economy and onerous student loan debt, has helped produce a generation accustomed to a state of dependency. Let’s hope that future generations can reverse this trend so Americans can start growing up a little earlier and get on with their lives.