California Threatens Secession, Trump Supporters Say ‘Go For It’

Kelen McBreen | Infowars,

Hillary backers in Cali so afraid of Trump presidency they want out of US completely.

Hillary supporters in California are so upset following Trump’s devastating victory that they are threatening to start a secession movement.

The twitter hashtags #CalExit and #Califrexit started trending after Trump was announced the winner of election 2016.

The term is stolen from the #Brexit movement that took Britain by surprise earlier this year, which is ironic because Brexit was an anti-globalist movement similar to the Trump campaign.

Protests are underway in Berkeley, Ca as well as in other cities around the country.

Patriot author and YouTube star Mark Dice shot a video covering the movement.

To get an understanding of the intelligence level of some of those who support the anti-Trump secession movement in California, here are some videos of Mark Dice exposing the stupidity of the left in San Diego.

  • sunsense

    Go for it.

    You will need a California passport (yes a passport, NOT just a driving license) to cross the border and get into the USA and go through customs.

    You will need a work permit to work here like anyone else who isn’t a citizen.

    Your goods will have to go through customs with the appropriate tariffs/import duties.

    You will have to fund and build your own military, border control and coast guard.

    We will give you the money paid into the system by Californians for social security and retirement and you will have to fund your own.

    You will have to create and fund your own embassies in the 193 States.

    You will have to create your own trade deals with those 193 States.

    Basically, as an independent country, you will have to do everything every other independent country does.

    I hope it gives you plenty of extra job’s.

    But hope it doesn’t bankrupt you.

    ADD: When it doesn’t work out, don’t bother re-applying. Good riddance to bad rubbish