Florida teen dons Black Lives Matter prom dress

A Florida teenager’s prom dress stood out from the rest Friday for its Black Lives Matter message.

Milan Morris, 17, donned a floor-length gown that featured the images of young black people whose high-profile deaths led to nationwide protests, Essence.com reported. The dress, created by Florida-based designer Terrance Torrence, included images of Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland and Michael Brown, among others.

Morris, from Palm Beach, is a senior at Cardinal Newman High School, where she is an “all-area player” on the school’s basketball team, according to the Palm Beach Post. She will attend Boston College in the fall, the paper reported.

blmdress_small1 Florida teen dons Black Lives Matter prom dress Blacks

Morris said the idea for the dress, which took four days to make, rested with Torrence. “He was the mastermind behind this whole thing honestly,” Morris told Essence.

Torrence added: “It was powerful and a movement and I knew people would respond to it.”


  • DrArtaud

    In England, a famous comedian, having passed away several years ago now, was given a grand funeral, ostentatious headstone, and media coverage. Not long after his death, it was discovered he was a career long pedophile, having exploited the children in the charities he was so well known for supporting. His wife had his headstone destroyed, perhaps to save people the trouble that would justifiably rage about the truth.

    But Trayvon lives on as the boy with the Skittles that was hunted down like an injured rabbit and mercilessly murdered by a psychotic killer. Problem is that’s not what happened, but it’s a myth pushed on and on by a reckless American mainstream media. And the mainstream recklessly push the Trump isn’t a valid president myth, and a myriad of myths against Conservatives and Republicans, and these myths and misrepresentations are resulting in increasing numbers of injuries, and these injuries are increasingly more violent.

    The world is insane, reason has given way to false news snippets and false heroes.

  • Dr Studebaker

    All based on Thugs and Drugs Choices are made ongoing or life Ending Dr King Weeps as All life matters