Hannity Tweetstorm Grills Obama & Underlings on FISA Trump Attack

Lee Stranahan,

FOX News host Sean Hannity went on the warpath against President Obama and Obama administration officials Valerie Jarrett, Ben Rhodes, and former senior advisor Dan Pfeiffer on Saturday.

Hannity grillied the three on the shocking revelations recently outlined by radio host Mark Levin and expanded on by Breitbart News that show that starting in June, 2016 the Obama administration filed requests with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court to monitor communications involving Donald Trump and several advisers.

On the eve of Inauguration Day, the New York Times reported that the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Treasury Department were monitoring several associates of the Trump campaign on suspicion of “Russian ties.”

hannity_small Hannity Tweetstorm Grills Obama & Underlings on FISA Trump Attack Social Media

Hannity was having none of it on Saturday, blasting top Obama friend and adviser Valerie Jarrett, whom The Daily Mail recently reported is now living with the Obamas in their Washington D.C. mansion.

Hannity made a reference to this in one his Tweets to Jarrett, saying:

Hannity followed that shot across the bow with a series of questions that the public has a right to know, peppering Jarrett like a skilled prosecutor:


After going after Jarrett, Hannity set his sights on Ben Rhodes, former Obama speechwriter and foreign policy advisor.


Then Hannity set this sights on Dan Pfeiffer, a senior advisor to President Obama and a current contributor to CNN.

Finally, Hannity asked “the Watergate question” of the former President:

Democrats and the media have used accusations of Trump’s supposed connection to Russia to assail Trump for months, and since the President was sworn in, have continued to target administration officials such as Attorney General Jeff Sessions and General Michael Flynn, who was forced to resign after giving incorrect information, possibly inadvertently, to Vice President Pence.

Meanwhile, the media has joined the attack, throwing out endless questions about Russia and Trump and his team, as well as allowing disgraced Democrat officials like Donna Brazile to use “Russian hacking” as an excuse and deflection from their own misdeeds.

When asked by Breitbart News for comment, Hannity said “I’ll let the Tweets speak for themselves.”
