Hillary Clinton And Nancy Pelosi Respond To Healthcare Bill Being Pulled

Weasel Zippers,

Remember their words and Nancy’s jump when Obamacare implodes and it gets even worse.

It may be, ultimately a victory, because we wouldn’t have Obamacare lite.

But Hillary had nothing to do with the bill being defeated, so it had nothing to do with her “fight.”

What beat it was the GOP Freedom Caucus getting enough Republicans to say no.

pelosi666 Hillary Clinton And Nancy Pelosi Respond To Healthcare Bill Being Pulled Liberals

victoryhillary_small Hillary Clinton And Nancy Pelosi Respond To Healthcare Bill Being Pulled Liberals

Nancy Pelosi rattling the botox:



So no, don’t be celebrating too much.

Remember their words and Nancy’s jump when Obamacare implodes and it gets even worse.

  • Dr Studebaker

    “health care is a human right ” is that just another way of saying a person is entitled to it at the expense of some one else ?

    • DrArtaud

      I don’t think it’s an essential human right, but arguably, politicians have colluded with the pharmaceutical industry and medical device suppliers to keep some prices unnaturally high.