In New Message Encouraging Town Hall Antagonizers, Hillary Says Democrats Are ‘At Their Best’

Cortney O’Brien,

Protesters have been heckling Republican congressmen at town hall events in cities all over the country. There’s nothing wrong with a hearty debate, but some of these disruptions have been downright nasty, such as the appalling actions at a Louisiana town hall this week, when agitators rudely interrupted a pastor’s opening prayer.

Without so much as a peep to condemn such shameful behavior, Hillary Clinton recorded a video message on Friday giving leftist protesters the thumbs up.

demsattherebest_small In New Message Encouraging Town Hall Antagonizers, Hillary Says Democrats Are 'At Their Best' Hillary Clinton

“Everywhere, people are marching, protesting, and working for an America that’s hopeful, inclusive and big hearted,” Clinton says in the new video.

She described the town hall fireworks as merely good examples of people “speaking up for health care, the environment, good jobs, and all the other issues that deserve our passionate support.”

Yet, in many instances, these protesters appear to be disinterested in meaningful conversations and more interested in chanting and screaming their lungs out.

These people “making their voices heard” could be our future political leaders, she noted.

Lord help us.

As for the White House, they are writing off the activists as paid professionals.

Although Clinton attended Trump’s inauguration, she has encouraged the women’s marches and U.S. airport protests against Trump’s temporary travel ban. Barack Obama, too, broke his post-presidency silence to urge on demonstrations against Trump’s executive order on immigration.

The town hall events have become so hostile that several members of Congress have decided to cancel the meetings. Thankfully, though, not all are shying away from their antagonistic audiences.

The town hall tensions and heightened emotions, Clinton mused, must be the result of the Democrats writing the most progressive platform in the party’s history last year. She hopes the passion will not fizzle out.

“Now more than ever we need to stay engaged,” she said.

“Let resistance plus persistence equal progress for our party and our country.”

  • Dr Studebaker

    Creepy Old Bag Get Over it You lost ! As a matter of Fact You’ll go to your Grave a loser You and Hubby were to biggest power Mad more so you then him in history And if power perverts that’s you

  • Hard Little Machine

    They need to be beaten down in the streets. They need to be killed.

  • Dr Studebaker

    You ultimate power all over again and Breaking the glass ceiling I see a pair of perverts whose cake fell flat for not waiting long enough to totally finish not enough radicals not enough Goodies and tired ideas and promises just a nasty rancid Couple whose bullet we dodged Thank GOD for that

  • Dr Studebaker

    If your Rabble would STFU it might happen you know the stuff you preached falsely like good jobs Health care not that govt in the last one should be involved Free market is the Fix on Healthcare Something You Democrats and globalists of uni-party Don’t want! Since the last Clown on the Mound Your message Hasn’t changed Obstruction and Complaining Same tired phrases I say bring back the fire-hoses Wood shampoos and Target instigators like You ! Face it You lost We as America Lost To your policies That only enriched The Few and enslaved many. Useful idiots don’t notice those Things so You capitalize on That Too Yes in closing Madam Mao You need to be on Ice