Merkel grimaces after Trump says ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ and wiretapping claims

American Mirror,

A moment after Trump uttered the words — and Merkel received the translation — she sighed, her face went tight and she appeared to shake her head.

Did the Syrian refugee-loving German Chancellor Angela Merkel grimace after President Trump linked terrorism to radical Islam?

During a joint press conference in the White House today, Trump said, “Our two countries must continue to work together to protect our people from radical Islamic terrorism.”

A moment after Trump uttered the words — and Merkel received the translation — she sighed, her face went tight and she appeared to shake her head.

Following today’s latest developments over Trump’s allegations that the UK’s GCHQ may or may not have helped Obama to wiretap the Trump Tower, an allegation which the infuriated British Spy Agency called “utterly ridiculous” and prompted it to demand an apology from the White House, a German reporter asked Trump for his current opinion on whether Obama had indeed wiretapped Trump. The president’s response: he gestured to Angela Merkel and said “on wiretapping by this past administration, at least we have something in common.”

Merkel’s reaction was similarly amusing: almost as if she had heard for the first time that in 2010, and for years onward, Barack Obama had been wiretapping her and countless other heads of state.

MerkelTrump_small Merkel grimaces after Trump says ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ and wiretapping claims Terrorism


  • Mark Marquis

    The United States Army should still ” occupy” Germany today, with an American General deciding ” everything” , the Germans , especially leftist Germans are INCAPABLE of successfully running their country.

    • DrArtaud

      I’m beginning to think the same applies here.