Obama Slammed For Saying Obamacare Was ‘Courageous’

Steve Watson | Infowars,

“Huge amount of courage to go to fancy dinners and meetings, make speeches to friendly audiences, and spend other people’s money…”

Former President Obama was taken to task on social media Sunday after he gave a speech describing himself, as well as other Democrats, as ‘courageous’ for passing the Affordable Health Care Act, then suggesting that Congress should display the same ‘courage’ to save the bill.

Obama made the speech at the John F. Kennedy Library while accepting the annual ‘Profile in Courage’ Award.

obama_small Obama Slammed For Saying Obamacare Was ‘Courageous’ News

It marked the former president’s first public comments about new health care legislation following the vote of House Republicans to repeal and replace Obamacare.

“As everyone here now knows, this great debate is not settled, but continues,” Obama said, adding “It is my fervent hope, and the hope of millions, that regardless of party, such courage is still possible. That today’s members of Congress, regardless of party, are willing to look at the facts and speak the truth, even when it contradicts party positions.”


“I hope that current members of Congress recall that it actually doesn’t take a lot of courage to aid those that are already powerful, already comfortable, already influential, but it does require some courage to champion the vulnerable, and the sick, and the infirmed. Those who often have no access to the corridors of power.” Obama added.

“I hope they understand that courage means not simply doing what’s politically expedient, but doing what, deep in our hearts, we know is right.” he said.

Those comments didn’t sit well with many on social media, who were quick to point out that doing what Obama suggests would actually be the LEAST courageous thing Congress could do:


  • DrArtaud

    “Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him Horatio.” - Image: Yorick is the skull in this scene, he represents patients treated by obamacare or Ryancare, don’t kid yourselves.

    The president promised that the Republican plan would cover “everybody,” that it would offer better and cheaper care than that available under the ACA. Price pledged that “nobody will be worse off financially” under the Republican act. Mulvaney promised that “Medicaid is still there,” and the bill “actually helps a great many people.” Vice President Mike Pence told a crowd in Louisville that the ACA was a “nightmare” that had “failed the people of Kentucky,” a state in which the percentage of people without insurance was cut in more than half by the law. House Speaker Paul Ryan’s lies are too numerous to detail.

    The facts are inescapable. The Republican bill offers people less help to purchase health insurance, particularly older workers. Millions will lose coverage or pay more for less. The expansion of Medicaid to lower-wage workers covered 10 million people under the ACA. The Republican bill savages Medicaid — after two years so voters might not notice in 2018 — and millions of the working poor will lose coverage. It does this not to reduce complexity, or regulation, or administrative nightmares, but to pay for a repeal of the taxes on the rich built into the ACA. Congressional analyses show, as The New York Times’ Jesse Drucker reports, Trumpcare’s two biggest tax cuts will lard $144 billion into the pockets of those with incomes over $1 million or more over the next decade. To pay for that, the working poor and older workers take the hit.

    Here’s some numbers I worked for my county, $30,000 Income, ages 27, 40, and 60.

    Tax Credit is amount the govt pays.
    Premium with Credit is amount insured pays after credit applied.
    % of Income used for Premium.

    Under the AHCA, seniors can be charged 5x the rate of younger people, more if the state has a waiver. Does it look like the House bill is making Healthcare affordable for people least able to pay it?

    27 yo Income $30,000
    Premium $2730 - ACA Tax Credit $250
    Premium with Credit Applied $2480 - 8% of Income

    27 yo Income $30,000
    Premium $2520 - ACHA Tax Credit $2000
    Premium with Credit Applied $520 - 2% of Income

    40 yo Income $30,000
    Premium $3330 - Tax Credit $850
    Premium with Credit Applied $2480 - 8% of Income

    40 yo Income $30,000
    Premium $3300 - ACHA Tax Credit $3000
    Premium with Credit Applied $330 Credit Applied - 1% of Income

    60 yo Income $30,000
    Premium $7080 - Tax Credit $4600
    Premium with Credit Applied $2480 - 8% of Income

    60 yo Income $30,000
    Premium $9510 - ACHA Tax Credit $4000
    Premium with Credit Applied $5510 - 18% of Income