School Orders Boy to “Tolerate” Undressing with Girl and Make it “Natural”

Todd Starnes,

A teenage boy was told by his principal that he had to “tolerate” undressing in front of a female student and to make it as “natural” as possible, according to a blockbuster lawsuit filed in a Pennsylvania federal district court.

The lawsuit, filed Tuesday by Alliance Defending Freedom and Independence Law Center, alleges the Boyertown Area School District shamed the teenage boy and violated his personal privacy. They are also alleging sexual harassment.

“No school should rob any student of this legally protected personal privacy,” ILC attorney Randall Wenger said. “We trust that our children won’t be forced into emotionally vulnerable situations like this when they are in the care of our schools because it’s a school’s duty to protect and respect the bodily privacy and dignity of all students.”

In the case of “Joel Doe” – they clearly ignored that duty.

Last Fall, the teen boy was standing in his underwear inside a locker room at Boyertown Area High School preparing to change for a physical education class.

“He suddenly realized there was a member of the opposite sex changing with him in the locker room, who was at the time, wearing nothing but shorts and a bra,” the lawsuit states.

The boy, along with several of his classmates reported the incident to Assistant Principal, named as a defendant.

“Dr. Foley indicated that the legality was up in the air but that students who mentally identify themselves with the opposite sex could choose the locker room and bathroom to use, and physical sex did not matter,” the lawsuit states.

The teenage boy asked the assistant principal if there was anything that could be done to protect him from the situation.

“Dr. Foley told Joel Doe to ‘tolerate’ it and to make it as ‘natural’ as he possibly can,” the lawsuit states.

As the boy got up to leave the office, the assistant principal allegedly told the youngster to again “be as natural as possible.”

girlboy_small School Orders Boy to “Tolerate” Undressing with Girl and Make it “Natural” Students

Even more disturbing, parents were not told of the school district’s decision to let students of one sex use the locker rooms and bathrooms of students of the opposite sex.

“The District’s directive to Joel Doe was that he must change with students of the opposite sex, and make it as natural as possible, and that anything less would be intolerant and bullying against students who profess a gender identity with the opposite sex,” the lawsuit states.

The young man’s parents made an appointment to school leaders and were told that the district is “all-inclusive.”

The lawsuit alleges that Foley told the boy’s parents their son could use the nurse’s office to change – if he had a problem changing in front of girls.

Principal Brett Cooper, also a defendant, backed up the assistant principal’s solution.

Supt. Richard Faidley suggested if “Joel Doe was uncomfortable changing with those of the opposite sex, or with using the nurse’s office, then he could just withdraw from school and be home schooled.”

The school district has yet to respond to the lawsuit.

Should the school district be found guilty, they should immediately fire Faidley, Cooper and Foley. Their alleged behavior is beyond repulsive.

But the lawsuit clearly illustrates the radical sex and gender narrative being forced on every public school locker room in the nation.

And as evidenced by the school district’s behavior, resistance to this perverse indoctrination seems to be futile.  

  • Dr Studebaker

    I would be doing jail time if i had to deal with these indeed warped people Wrong is wrong

    • DrArtaud

      Where you been, I’ve been looking for your comments?

      The lunatics are running the asylum. Girls in boys rooms, boys in girls rooms. There’s a disease that liberals have, I’m not sure if it’s organic or psychologically hysterical.

      • Adjective: hysterical
      ° Characterized by or arising from psychoneurotic hysteria • during hysterical conditions various functions of the human body are disordered
      ° Marked by excessive or uncontrollable emotion

      Illegal immigrant children in our schools, one recently raping a young girl, and the schools defend them. Some schools have let Sikh children (a religion) carry ceremonial knives to school, it’s part of their religion don’t cha know. These are real knives, small, but real, and the school wanted everyone to be assured that the knives are secured by thread to keep from being withdrawn from their sheath. But a tiny action figure gun smaller than the tip of your finger, or a pop tart shaped like a gun, or a drawing of a gun, has landed many children arrested and suspended.

      According to the news, the Republicans withdrew the provision that before govt subsidized healthcare can be sold that the buyer is checked for legal immigration status, so illegals are entitled to healthcare too. And Jesse Jackson and others want free college for prisoners and felons. Incredible.

      America is bass ackwards. Minorities rule, majorities are discriminated against. Crazy huh?

      • Dr Studebaker

        Chew a pop tart in to a shape of a gun get Therapy for the rest of your life if You’re a White Kid and being a boy ! Me I’m still out of work my skills go to waste and I feel like I’m drowning So many interviews yet no call back or hand shake to seal a deal. My nightmare of standing at a busy intersection with a please help cup grows Daily No joke

        • DrArtaud

          Sorry to hear that. I’m just retiring, kind of. U.S. Steel seems to be working good, though they are consolidating operations to save money, they still hire periodically. I’m hoping to see the economy take off, but the democrats are more worried about their party’s future and are obstructing.

          • Dr Studebaker

            Yes They Are obstructing # 1 With a bullet lets not leave out the RINO’s either This recovery is being slowed due to sore losers