Sen. Ted Nugent? or Sen. Kid Rock? Both Mulling 2018 Senate run

Should Kid Rock decide to run for Senate in 2018 he may have some stiff competition.

Days after the Michigan Republican Party told Fox News that Rock would make an “awesome” candidate, right-wing guitar god Ted Nugent said he would consider running for the same seat.

“I’m always very interested in making my country and the great state of Michigan great again and there is nothing I wouldn’t do to help in any way I possibly can,” Nugent told The Daily Caller.

Michigan GOP press officer Sarah Anderson told Fox News that they have not spoken with Nugent.

Ted-Nugent_small Sen. Ted Nugent? or Sen. Kid Rock? Both Mulling 2018 Senate run Senate

“There’s a lot of excitement here in Michigan and we think Ted Nugent would be a great candidate to win against Debbie Stabenow,” Anderson said. She said of Rock, “I think [Kid Rock] would be awesome,” adding she would not “be surprised if there was a movement for him to run.”

Unlike Nugent, Rock has not responded to rumors that he is considering running.

If Rock and Nugent both decide to run, the primary winner would face off against Democrat Senator Debbie Stabenow who has held her seat since 2000.

Rock, whose real name is Robert Ritchie, told Rolling Stone in 2013 he considers himself more of a libertarian but has supported several Republican politicians, most recently throwing his support behind President Donald Trump. Nugent has also been outspoken about his politics also supporting Trump in the 2016 presidential election.

Nugent is strongly supportive of President Donald Trump’s performance in the Oval Office thus far. “He is addressing and acting upon the most obvious needed upgrades good Americans have been craving and demanding for a very long time,” Nugent said.
