Matthew Vadum, Trump Vs. Sleeper Cell Op-ed! President Trump is absolutely right to be furious about the treacherous New York Times op-ed by a fifth-columnist in his administration trashing his leadership and portraying him as a feebleminded would-be dictator. The essay titled “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration” is vicious Trump-hating
What’s the Truth About the First Thanksgiving?
A day of gratitude or a day of guilt? Should Americans celebrate Thanksgiving as a day of gratitude? Or should they mourn it as a day of guilt? Michael Medved, author of The American Miracle, shares the fascinating story of the first Thanksgiving:
The Left and Anti-Americanism
Jack Kerwick, It is always maddening for me to hear left-wingers criticize those toward their right of being “unAmerican” and “unpatriotic.” It is maddening because the left, by its very nature anti-American, is by definition unpatriotic. This is not meant to be a criticism, even though there are doubtless individual leftists who will take it
Trump can win the cyber war (by following Churchill’s approach)
Van Hipp, As reported by South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency, North Korea recently sent out a “new combination of mysterious random numbers” thought to be coded orders to its spies in South Korea. The random encrypted numbers were sent out over a radio broadcast. Further, the U.S.-Korea Institute’s “38 North” program now tells us that
10 Pulitzer Prize-Winning Novels Definitely worth Reading
Are you in searches of new reading material? If you go online, you’ll be stunned by a plethora of reading lists. They range from the “10 best” to “100 best” and are compiled for almost every audience. The choice is harder if you’re an avid reader who can boast a pretty large home library. How
Thanks, Huffington Post: The Anti-White and Anti-White Male Animus of the Left Exposed
Jack Kerwick, It didn’t take the folks over at the Huffington Post long before they deleted their blog post, “Could it Be Time to Deny White Men the Franchise?” Its justification for doing so was that its author, a Ms. “Shelley Garland,” most likely didn’t exist. In other words, the HuffPo editors belatedly discovered that
Full Interview: David Horowitz On The Rubin Report, Freedom Center founder joins Dave Rubin for an in-depth interview on the Left, his political journey and the current political climate. Freedom Center founder David Horowitz recently sat down with Dave Rubin, host of the Rubin Report, for a wide-ranging interview discussing the ideology of the Left, his transition from Marxism to conservatism, the current
Phone tap on Trump recalls Obama lies and high-tech harassment
Lloyd Billingsley, The Struggle of Memory Against Forgetting. President Donald Trump has charged that the previous president tapped his phones during the 2016 election campaign. With Democrats and the old-line establishment media in a fury, the people would do well to recall the 44th president’s high-tech harassment of journalists and his legacy of lies. “If
Doing Your Part to Cultivate Civil Dialogue
Terry Paulson, In The National, Joseph Dana wrote: “Social media encourages aggressive discourse. The louder one is on Twitter, for example, the more followers and attention one receives. The more dramatic the update on Facebook, the more ‘likes’ it will get. Given the brevity of Twitter and its inherent commodification of discourse, deep discussion is discouraged. As such,
Why Democrats and Republicans are both wrong about Putin and Russia
Judith Miller, Douglas E. Schoen, No single foreign policy challenge is more contentious, or crucial, than getting Russia right. Under President Donald Trump, Republicans and Democrats have embraced diametrically opposing views on how to handle President Vladimir Putin. Both have it wrong. Throughout the campaign and the initial days of his presidency, Mr. Trump has
The Story of Reality
David Limbaugh, Greg Koukl’s “The Story of Reality” is one of the most important books I’ve read in a long time, and I want to encourage you — Christians and non-Christians — to read it. I know of no more efficient way to introduce you to the meaning of Christianity and the Christian worldview. Sometimes
The inauguration is why I love America
Jane Hampton Cook, The inauguration is why I love America. Of all the presidential events, from election night to the State of the Union, from press conferences to state dinners, the inauguration is my favorite for one simple reason. More than any other moment, the inauguration is a picture of our Constitution, proof that we