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Trump’s Generals Are Too Valuable to Be Dismissed

Victor Davis Hanson, Near-daily gossip surrounds Donald Trump’s three marquee generals. The media sometimes blare out rumors that Gen. John Kelly, the White House chief of staff, is proving to be a loose cannon and might soon be fired. Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, Trump’s national security adviser, is occasionally rumored to be a robotic PowerPoint

Trump Threatens to Deal Another Blow to the Palestinian Cause

Victor Davis Hanson, President Trump set off another Twitter firestorm last week when he hinted that he may be considering cutting off hundreds of millions of dollars in annual U.S. aid to the Palestinians. Trump was angered over Palestinian unwillingness to engage in peace talks with Israel after the Trump administration announced the move of

America’s Left in the Grip of Insanity

Ben Shapiro, President Trump is unpopular. He’s unpopular because he’s boorish, crude and silly; he’s unpopular because he has a unique capacity to turn winning news cycles into referenda on his use of Twitter. But the United States under President Trump hasn’t seen any serious anti-liberty revanchism. In fact, under Trump, regulations have dropped precipitously;

Former Obama Aide Can’t Wait to See Pence, McConnell, Ryan Obits

Jim Stinson, Ben Rhodes, an architect of the disastrous Iran deal, tweeted a very ill-advised comment about Republican leaders’ deaths. A former aide to President Barack Obama said he hoped to see a particular picture next to the obituaries for Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch

America’s Indispensable Friends

Victor Davis Hanson, The world equates American military power with the maintenance of the postwar global order of free commerce, communications and travel. Sometimes American power leads to costly, indecisive interventions like those in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya that were not able to translate superiority on the battlefield into lasting peace. But amid the frustrations

Florida Walmart store “unable” to enlarge Muhammad cartoon, forwards it to local sheriff

Pamela Geller, I received this disturbing email from Gerald Lostutter, a longtime Geller Report reader in Florida. He wanted to present a framed Muhammad cartoon to local ACT chapter leader Roger Gangitano, but Walmart made it difficult: An example of defacto Sharia law in the USA: Wal-Mart’s photo department was unable to properly enlarge my

Are Our Mideast Wars Forever?

Pat Buchanan, “The Kurds have no friends but the mountains,” is an old lament. Last week, it must have been very much on Kurdish minds. As their U.S. allies watched, the Kurdish peshmerga fighters were run out of Kirkuk and all the territory they had captured fighting ISIS alongside the Americans. The Iraqi army that

President Trump Sends North Korea an Unprecedented Message

Joseph Klein, The days of ‘strategic patience’ and appeasement are over.  President Donald Trump issued his strongest warning to date to North Korea on Tuesday, after reports surfaced that North Korea had developed a nuclear weapon small enough to fit on a missile. North Korea has already test fired two intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching

UN Security Council Slaps North Korea with new Sanctions

Joseph Klein, North Korean regime threatens “revenge.” North Korea is stepping up its threats against the United States in the wake of the United Nations Security Council’s unanimous passage last Saturday of a toughly worded U.S.-drafted sanctions resolution. In response to North Korea’s two intercontinental ballistic missile tests last month, the new UN resolution bans North