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Trump Says He’s Sending ‘Federal Help’ to Chicago Amid Gun Violence

Jack Phillips | Epoch Times, Last year, 751 were gunned down and more than 4,300 people were shot. After countless shootings and hundreds of murders during the first half of 2017, Chicago is getting more federal aid. Twenty additional federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) have been sent to the city after President

Senate Democrats enter new territory on Russia probes with push to grill Sessions, Trump

Senate Democrats are looking to intensify the Russia-related investigations on Capitol Hill despite a call from Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel to abandon the “collusion” track for lack of evidence – with plans to grill Attorney General Jeff Sessions and even a bid to get President Trump under oath. While Trump has not responded

US aircraft carriers join Japanese forces off North Korean coast for military training

United States aircraft carriers joined Japanese forces in the Sea of Japan on Thursday for training exercises, creating the largest display of naval power near the peninsula since North Korea’s recent successful missile tests.  USS Ronald Reagan and USS Carl Vinson strike groups trained with 10 other warships, including two carrier air wings, in the

The Forgotten Slaughters of the Innocents

Michelle Malkin, For now, everyone knows the sonorous name and cherubic face of 8-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos. She’s the littlest known victim of Monday night’s jihad attack in Manchester, England. Her doe-eyed image spread as rapidly across social media as the #PrayForManchester hashtags and Twitter condolences from celebrities. But I guarantee you that beautiful Saffie

Socialists Lie, People Die

Laura Hollis, Last weekend’s Wall Street Journal featured yet another article about Venezuela. Titled simply, “Venezuela is starving,” the article starts with a subhead about how Venezuela was “once Latin America’s richest country.” It goes on to describe how Venezuela has degenerated into a hellhole of widespread starvation: Venezuelans are forced to forage through garbage

Aetna to Completely Pull Out of ObamaCare Exchanges by 2018

Brittany De Lea, Health insurance company Aetna (NYSE:AET) announced Wednesday it will completely withdraw from the ObamaCare marketplace in 2018, a decision Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price perceived as a sign of continued instability in the health care sector under the Affordable Care Act. “Aetna’s decision to completely withdraw from the ObamaCare exchanges

Comey tossed ‘stick of dynamite’ into the DOJ, says White House

The White House on Wednesday defended President Trump’s decision to fire James Comey, saying the former FBI director threw a “stick of dynamite” into the Department of Justice, and committed “atrocities” in his handling of the Clinton email saga. White House Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked at the daily press briefing why Trump