The Right Throws Milo to the Wolves

David Horowitz,

Why the Left dominates the national culture.

The hateful Left whose most effective weapon is character assassination has created a gotcha culture for conservatives, and conservatives can be counted on to fold every time.

Barney Frank had a prostitution ring operating out of his house and masturbated into the president’s locker in the Capitol gym. But that didn’t prevent him from architecting the incredibly destructive Dodd-Frank bill and the subprime mortgage crisis because Democrats never broke ranks and protected him.

Milo-free_small The Right Throws Milo to the Wolves Culture

Milo is indisputably the most effective conservative on campus battling the anti-American identity-obsessed, racist Left.

He is a victim of sexual abuse himself, which entails confusion on these issues. That conservatives would abandon him - throw him to the wolves - tells you everything you need to know why the Left dominates the national culture and thus the political culture which is downstream.


About David Horowitz

[For Frontpage editor Jamie Glazov’s essay on David Horowitz’s life and work, click here.]

David Horowitz was one of the founders of the New Left in the 1960s and an editor of its largest magazine, Ramparts. He is the author, with Peter Collier, of three best selling dynastic biographies: The Rockefellers: An American Dynasty (1976); The Kennedys: An American Dream (1984); and The Fords: An American Epic (1987). Looking back in anger at their days in the New Left, he and Collier wrote Destructive Generation (1989), a chronicle of their second thoughts about the 60s that has been compared to Whittaker Chambers’ Witness and other classic works documenting a break from totalitarianism. Horowitz examined this subject more closely in Radical Son (1996), a memoir tracing his odyssey from “red-diaper baby” to conservative activist that George Gilder described as “the first great autobiography of his generation.”

  • DrArtaud

    Milo is, perhaps unfortunately, the result of associating with the party that, ostensibly at least, takes the high ground.

    Barney Frank was but one of many democrats with serious moral and legal issues, here’s a democrat that was forced to resign, prosecuted, and jailed.

    Keith Farnham - Democratic former member of the Illinois House of Representatives who resigned from office and pleaded guilty to distributing child pornography in 2014

    The problem with allegation vs facts is the allegations are threadbare, there are so many allegations that we scarce pay them heed. But what of the facts? The only thing I saw on mainstream sites is that Keith Farnham said that 12 year old girls are the oldest he could stomach, that he preferred 6, 7, or 8 year olds. He even confessed to a party identified as “User A” that he had sexual contact with a 6 year old.

    The following document is a PDF. In the freakish world of Android, I had to download it to read it. I would guess most computers and operating systems allow inline viewing. If you feel like experiencing indignation of Milo; and by no means am I defending it; read the following document about the Illinois Representative Keith Farnham.


    Despite all the evidence, that may, or may not have been available to his peers in politics, we have this comment:

    Others, including Democrat State Rep. Mary Flowers, are not yet willing to concede the fact that the authorities’ allegations are correct.

    “I don’t want to cast him off as being guilty until he’s been found guilty,” she said.

    Farnham’s attorney said that Farnham’s details of a 6-year-old girl were fictional and that Farnham “has never, never abused any child, never had any physical contact with a child.” The attorney also said that Farnham has a “complex set of medical problems” including bladder cancer and hepatitis C, as well as pulmonary fibrosis for which Farnham was seeking to begin an experimental drug treatment, but “without a lung transplant, it’s likely he’s going to die in the penitentiary”.

    Well, despite the possibility that his comments about his contact with grossly underaged children were fantasy, he still actively engaged in the exchange of materials of them that our society, decency and morality, has clearly flagged as forbidden.

    I’m sure if the “investigative journalists” that inspect every dotted i and crossed t of everything Trump does were to actually investigate democrats, many many more of these cases could be revealed. And, clearly, Milo was an embarrassment to liberals as he embraced facets of their lifestyles of choice, but he identified as Conservative, something that could not be permitted to stand.

    The ultimate irony, the media, that brought us the following, is indignant about what Milo said. As of this writing, I’m still not fully aware of what Milo said, and in what context, and if Milo had said things before that established his opposition to sex with underage males or females. With liberals, the simple is complex, and the complex simple.

    The Truth About Popular Culture