They don’t play games in Virginia. BLM protesters who blocked a highway sentenced to jail time


The law enforcement dilemma of 2016 has been how to deal with Black Lives Matter protesters who break the law by doing stupid and dangerous things like blocking highways to get their “Waaaaaaah-waaaaaaah” fix.

Different police departments and prosecutors in different locales handle the issue in different ways. In your left-leaning communities they simply watch the protesters blocking the roadway and sympathize with their cause.

In the more centrist locales they simply tolerate the nonsense for fear of being labeled racists and exacerbating the problem.

Then there are the right-leaning communities, like Richmond, Virginia, where those who break the law by blocking a public roadway are promptly arrested, charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced to jail.

And, of course, there is the vigilante method of dealing with road blockers. See our link to the video, below, “Bowling For Trump.”

As reported by The Daily Caller, activists associated with the Black Lives Matter movement will see the inside of a jail cell after blocking a highway during a protest in July.

The Richmond, Va. protest, which falls into a long line of recent race-related protests and riots, occurred on July 18, and was likely set off by the police shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile that month.

Thirteen protesters blocked Interstate 95 and chanted “Black Lives Matter!” and “No justice, no peace, no racist police!” They shut down traffic during rush hour, but not for long, as police showed up and made arrests within an hour.

They all pleaded guilty to illegally blocking traffic Monday and were sentenced to five days in prison.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch compiled a list of the protesters, and only one is actually from Virginia’s capital. Six were from different cities in Virginia, and six others were from different states altogether — with some coming from California, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey.


Then there is the vigilante method of overcoming morons blocking the road…. Bowling For Trump.
