Trump: Not Too Late to Prosecute Hillary

| Infowars,

President may also ask Comey to resign.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Trump signaled Hillary Clinton could yet be prosecuted, emphasizing the point by noting it was not yet too late to ask FBI Director James Comey to resign.

“When Jim Comey came out, he saved Hillary Clinton. People don’t realize that. He saved her life,” Trump told Fox Business Network host Maria Bartiromo. “When he was reading those charges, she was guilty of every charge, and then he said she was essentially OK.”

Bartiromo also asked Trump why he had not asked for Comey to resign, noting he was one of many Obama-era staffers still in the Trump administration.

“I have confidence in him [Comey], we’ll see what happens,” Trump said — after noting it’s “not too late” to replace him. “It’s going to be interesting… I want to give everyone a good, fair chance.”

Then, on Wednesday, two top Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee asked Attorney General Sessions to review the evidence against Lois Lerner, the IRS official who took the Fifth Amendment before Congress rather than answer questions why she had denied granting tax-favored status to conservative Tea Party groups applying to the IRS under Section 501(c) of the tax code.

On Wednesday, the Hill reported House Ways and Means Chair, Kevin Brady, Rep.-TX, and tax-policy subcommittee Chair Peter Roskham, Rep.-IL, asked the Department of Justice to “take a fresh look” at the evidence against Lois Lerner “in order to assure the American people that DOJ’s prior investigation was handled fairly to restore taxpayers’ trust in the IRS.”

On Oct. 23, 2015, the Hill had reported Attorney General Lois Lerner had decided the Justice Department would decline to bring criminal charges against Lerner, in a decision Rep. Darrell Issa, Rep.-CA, who led an investigation into the IRS when he was chair of the House Oversight Committee, characterized as the Obama DOJ giving Lerner a “free pass.”

trump-hillary_small Trump: Not Too Late to Prosecute Hillary Justice

These developments confirm reporting that President Trump has not decided to ignore criminal allegations that continue to unfold against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and top Obama administration officials, including Lois Lerner.

Clearly, President Trump did not want to take office appearing vindictive by making his first actions to demand the Justice Department should start convening grand juries against Obama administration officials like Clinton and Lerner.

But, Obama left the White House without pardoning either Clinton and Lerner, and there is no legal restriction that would prohibit Attorney General Sessions from opening a criminal investigation into Obama administration officials like Clinton and Lerner where criminal allegations continue to come forward.

After Trump’s comments to Fox Business in the interview with Bartiromo, FBI Director James Comey is clearly on notice that his history of giving “free passes” to Democrats under criminal investigation is suspect in the Trump administration.

Another Obama administration hold-over who should begin to feel the heat is IRS Commissioner John Koskinen.

The Associated Press reported on April 5, 2017, that 15 Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee sent President Trump a letter asking that Koskinen be fired.

The AP noted the 15 Republicans sending the letter noted the IRS hit “rock bottom” when, under Koskinen, the IRS destroyed evidence when Congress was investigating the IRS for inappropriately singling out conservative groups for extra scrutiny.

“He [Koskinen] also misled Congress in the process, intentionally degraded customer service at the agency, and has since lost the trust of the American people,” the committee members wrote.
