Who Will Be In The New Trump Administration? All The Names We Know So Far

James Barrett,

Trump Tower has seen some familiar political figures, media members and pundits moving in and out at a dizzying pace, but who will be offered an official role in the new Trump administration? Despite early reports of “turmoil” within Team Trump, the president-elect is actually ahead of schedule in making appointments. Below is a list of the key positions in the administration—White House staff, Cabinet and Sub-Cabinet positions—including those for which Trump has officially named someone for the role and those for which names have been floated as strong possibilities.

Here are the names we know so far, followed by their profiles below:


CABINET (listed in order of succession to the presidency)



Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor — STEVE BANNON

Chief strategist, a relatively new White House position, plays a key role in the administration, advising the president on messaging and implementing the administration’s agenda. The role has been filled in past administrations by the likes of Karl Rove, David Plouffe and Dan Pfeiffer. No Senate confirmation is required for the position. 

Bannon is by far the most controversial figure in the new Trump administration. A self-styled “economic nationalist,” Bannon, the former head of Breitbart News, has pitted himself not only against the Left on many issues but has also announced that his protectionist and big-spending policies will enrage Conservatives. Bannon has become the focus of some anti-Trump activists who accuse him of being a “white nationalist” and demand he be replaced. 

National Security Advisor — LT. GEN. MICHAEL FLYNN

The national security advisor leads the White House national security staff and advises the president on national security affairs. No Senate confirmation is required for the position.

Retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn has been a steadfast supporter of Trump from early in his campaign. As the Daily Wire reported, Flynn has an extensive military intelligence background, is strong on combating radical Islam (in fact, Flynn says it is because of his hard-line stance on the issue that he was forced to resign from the Obama administration), has sent mixed signals on his stance on Russia, and was once rumored to have been Trump’s Vice President pick. Read the Daily Wire’s profile of Flynn

Deputy National Security Advisor — K.T. McFARLAND

A deputy national security advisor is a key advisor to the president on national security issues. The position does not require Senate confirmation. 

Kathleen Troia McFarland, better known as K.T. McFarland, has an impressive national security background, having held several national security positions in the federal government. Fox News provides some career highlights:

Ms. McFarland held national security posts in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations: as an aide to Dr. Henry Kissinger, senior speechwriter to Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and later a principal deputy assistant secretary of defense Pentagon spokesman. She wrote the Weinberger Principles of War which laid out the Reagan administration’s policy regarding use of force: in essence, only go to war if it is in America’s vital national interest, and then only to win. Ms. McFarland received the Defense Department’s highest civilian award for her work in the Reagan Administration.

She has been heavily critical of President Obama’s handling of ISIS and the Iran deal, perspectives she has made clear on Fox News, where she has served as a national security analyst. Read the Daily Wire’s profile of McFarland

Press Secretary — (LAURA INGRAHAM?)

Press secretary speaks on a regular basis with the White House press corps, explaining the key actions of the president and the administration and fielding questions. No Senate confirmation is required for the position.

One high profile name floated as a possible press secretary is conservative pundit Laura Ingraham, who has been vocal in her defense of Trump, particular against the #NeverTrump movement. “I am honored to be considered for that job and other jobs. So we’ll see what happens,” Ingraham said on Fox News, adding, “I think people are getting a little far ahead of the narrative.”

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