You’ll Never Believe Just How Biased the MSM’s Trump Coverage Is

Joseph Curl,

The mainstream media swooned whenever Barack Obama spoke. He was, just, you know, so brilliant (he did go to Harvard, and he once taught college classes on the Constitution, so, he is probably the smartest president ever to hold the post — oh, forget Jefferson and Madison, only Obama was ever that smart).
But Donald Trump? The MSM thinks he’s just short of retarded. They’re not even sure he can read.
And is it just us, or does it seem as if Trump has gotten a lot of negative coverage since he moved into the White House?
Wait, not just us. A new report the Media Research Center shows 88 percent all the reports on the major broadcast news networks was “hostile” during his first month in Washington.
“Yeah, ya’ think?” said one Trump administration official said when read the results.  
And the networks’ anchors and reporters often injected their own anti-Trump editorial tone into the coverage. “It has been a busy day for presidential statements divorced from reality,” CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley snidely began his February 6 broadcast.
“Instead of working to clarify or backtrack on President Trump’s false claims,” NBC’s Hallie Jackson scolded on the January 24 Nightly News, “today his press secretary instead tried to cement them.”
Network coverage provided a megaphone to those distressed by Trump’s action, with NBC’s Lester Holt on January 30 beginning his newscasts from “the Statue of Liberty, which for nearly 130 years has symbolized the welcome arms of a country of immigrants.” As for Trump’s temporary ban, Holt quoted anonymous “critics” who “call it a solution in search of a problem, and an unconstitutional and thinly-disguised ban on Muslims.”
While the nets spent “less than one-tenth as much coverage (just over four minutes) on Senate Democrats’ calculated strategy of obstructing the confirmation process,” MRC reports, they spent nearly an hour of coverage covering anti-Trump protests.
Then again, the big networks spent days cover Envelopegate. And THEY think Trump is stupid?