Donald J. Trump Unveils Campaign Ad - The Speech

Today, the Donald J. Trump for President campaign launched a new web video, “The Speech.” The video highlights the stark contrast between Hillary Clinton’s alternate reality in which Americans will lose jobs, taxes will rise, and the D.C. establishment will stifle Americans’ hope, and Donald Trump’s plans to Make America Great Again by creating jobs, protecting American families, and dismantling the D.C. establishment.



You heard the speech.

But behind the glitter lies this stark truth: In Hillary Clinton’s America—things get worse.

Under her dishonest plan:

Taxes keep rising.

Terrorism spreads

Washington insiders remain in control

Americans, losing their jobs, homes… and hope.

In Donald Trump’s America:

People are put back to work,

Our families are safe, the American dream achievable again.

Change that Makes America Great Again

I’m Donald Trump and I approved this message.