BLM Leader Says Whites ‘Sub-Human,’ Should Be ‘Wiped Out’
February 13, 2022
One of the founders of Black Lives Matter in Toronto says white people are “genetic defects” and should be “wiped out.”
Yusra Khogali has posted the controversial calls on her Facebook page, including another that says whites are “sub-human.”
“Whiteness is not humxness, in fact, white skin is sub-humxn,” she wrote. “All phenotypes exist within the black family and white ppl are a genetic defect of blackness.”
Khogali has garnered news coverage after BLM Toronto disrupted the Toronto Pride parade and engaged in heated confrontations with Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne. A year ago, she said: “Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today.”
Now, she’s using her new-found fame to call for more violence by the extreme group.
Khogali says white people are inferior because they “have a higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors that suppress melanin production. They are genetically deficient because melanin is present at the inception of life.”

“Melanin enables black skin to capture light and hold it in its memory mode which reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge. Melanin directly communicates with cosmic energy. White ppl are recessive genetic defects. This is factual.”
She then muses about wiping out the white race. “Black ppl simply through their dominant genes can literally wipe out the white race if we had the power to.”
“Do you ever wonder how black ppl after centuries of colonial violence, genocide and destruction—no matter what systems created to make us extinct… How we keep coming back? It is because we are superhumxns,” she added.
“Look at us, we have the numbers,” she said.
Her claims didn’t impress one of America’s leading scholars of the history of eugenics.
“The document mirrors the racism of American eugenicists who claimed in the first third of the 20th century that native whites were genetically superior not only to blacks but also to immigrants from Eastern and Southern Europe,” Daniel Kevles, a professor at Yale University, wrote to the Toronto Sun. “Their claims were without any scientific foundation and added up to expressions of naked white racism.”
The Sun also reported:
Kevles’ book “In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the Uses of Human Heredity” is considered a leading text in the field.“The anger and frustration that animates the Black Lives Matter movement is altogether understandable, but the way to contest pseudo-science and white prejudice is not with an alternative pseudo-science and black prejudice,” notes Kevles. “It is with moral argument and political action.”