Sarah Silverman Contributes to Israel-Bashing Haggadah
Sarah Silverman is to Judaism what toxic waste is to residential housing. But when the New Israel Fund, an anti-Israel leftist fund, decided to exploit the Jewish holiday of Passover to bash Jews and the Jewish State, they were short on contributors. Who really wants to hear from Michael Lerner again?
And has anyone ever wanted to hear from Susan Talve again after her bizarre rant at Obama’s Chanukah defilement ceremony in the White House? Or J.J. Goldberg and Achninoam Nini? The so-called Jubilee Haggadah is a veritable plague of leftists who spend all their time offering the same rants. And even their own side is tired of them.
So they had to turn to Sarah Silverman, sliding down the downward slope of her career, to write a laughable entry in their fake anti-Jewish Haggadah.
“We must stop demanding more- more land, more rights for some than others, more resources,” Sarah Silverman rants. The results sound rather anti-Semitic, but that’s her usual ugly routine.
“Of all people, Jews know the bitterness of being oppressed – and not being in our own country. That’s what makes the occupation all so ironic,” Sarah Silverman writes.
It would figure that she knows as little about irony as she does about Jews.
“Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between right and wrong,” she adds.
For her it always is.