School administrators don’t have much tolerance for student’s ‘straight pride’ posters

Victor Skinner,

JASPER, Ind. – At least one student at Jasper High School has heard enough from his LGBT classmates.

The unidentified 16-year-old posted “Straight Pride” posters at Jasper High School last week, and the hilarious notices are not going over so well with school officials, the Dubois County Herald reports.

“Celebrate being straight at JHS by not annoying the heck out of everyone about your sexual orientation!” read the flyers, posted in the school’s hallways after classes last Thursday.  “It’s easy! Just come to the JHS, then you go about your day without telling everyone about how ‘different’ and ‘special’ you are!”

lgbtsupport_small School administrators don't have much tolerance for student's 'straight pride' posters LGBT

The straight pride posters were “brought to you by all the students that are sick of hearing about your LGBT pride,” they continued.

“Nobody cares about what you think you are,” the posters read. “If you want equality, stop shoving your ideas down our throats! We have nothing against your sexual orientation. We just don’t care!”

The fliers featured two rainbow flags, along with the message “We are taking back the rainbow.”

Principal Brian Wilson told the news site the posters were tacked up on hallway display areas throughout the school but removed before students returned for class on Friday. School officials identified the student responsible for putting them up, but Wilson refused to say whether the student will be punished for the stunt.

Greater Jasper Superintendent Tracy Lorey promised parents the notices do not represent the attitude of most students and staff at the school.

straightpride School administrators don't have much tolerance for student's 'straight pride' posters LGBT

“It is our intent to provide students opportunities to express themselves in a way that helps them to be understanding of the unique qualities of all individuals,” she said. “The world is full of unique individuals (regardless of) race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. That’s the world, and it’s our job to prepare students to function within that world and to have respect for others.”

School officials said the straight pride fliers were not approved by school officials, as required.

The controversial notices were posted the same week a local LGBT group “Huddle” donated a massive banner to the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance that was hung proudly in the cafeteria. The sign read “LGBT TEENS: We (heart) you. We support you.”

“The banner was just a show of support to those students who might feel alone and isolated,” Huddle founder Abbie Rumbach told the Herald. “It was a show of support to let them know that there are people in the community that stand behind them (and) love and support them.”

Huddle also organized an sidewalk chalk event through its Facebook page, with approval from school officials, that brought dozens of students to Jasper High on Sunday to scrawl messages like “Love is for ALL,” and “We rise by lifting others” in front of the school, the Herald reports.

“You may think LGBT people think they’re better than others, or that LGBT people are trying to get special attention or special rights,” Huddle lectured on Facebook. “In reality, ‘LGBT pride’ is a movement that exists to let people know they don’t have to hide or feel ashamed or alone because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. For many years, LGBT people have been told being LGBT is illegal, morally wrong or dangerous, and they’ve been harmed in many ways as a result.”

The fallout prompted the student who originally posted the “Straight Pride” posters to issue a lengthy letter to the media to elaborate on the reasons behind the message, and his view that America will never truly achieve “equality” for all without accepting that not everyone subscribes to a progressive liberal ideology.

“By saying that certain individuals are shoving ideas down other people’s throats, I did not mean that they should not have the right to practice their own freedom of speech. What was being referenced was the idea that whenever an individual decides not to support the ideas of another individual, they face being attacked, ostracized, and detested. What was being referenced was the fact that individuals who do not support progressive ideology are forced to accept or remain censored,” the student wrote.

“Reactionaries … simply want to be able to retain the right to not accept your views. I support the social ideology of equality for all people protected under the Constitution, but I also recognize the fact that my peers have the right to object to other people’s ideas without their ideas being censored even if it is seen as hate speech.”

“People simply want to let you know that they have the right to object to your ideas. People can love you and disagree with you at the same time,” the student wrote.
