Student burns American flag in Utah high school parking lot

Victor Skinner, 

HEBER CITY, Utah – Dozens of students at Wasatch High School took matters into their own hands after a classmate burned an American flag hanging from a student truck in the parking lot.

Last Thursday, Student Ben Schofield received a series of Snapchat messages from his friends, including one that took him by surprise, Fox 13 reports.

“I had the flag flying normally – he took a picture and was like ‘Merica or whatever and then I get another one maybe an hour or so later and he’s like someone burned your flag,” Schofield said. “We, I was pretty mad. I was pacing back and forth.”

Schofield said another student noticed the flag burning and alerted school officials, who knew about the incident but did not inform him.

“They pulled into the parking lot and they saw it on fire so they stopped and got it out and then they went and told the office,” he said. “I immediately called the school and was like ‘What’s going on?’ and they were like ‘Oh, yeah, we already know all about it.’”

The Wasatch County School District issued a formal statement that claims officials identified the student responsible for burning the flag, which also damaged Schofield’s truck.


“Wasatch High School is investigating a Safe Schools violation which occurred in one of the school’s parking lots resulting in damage to another student’s vehicle,” the statement read. “The student responsible has been identified and is cooperating with school officials and law enforcement. At the conclusion of the investigation, the student will be disciplined in accordance with district policy.”

Students also decided to issue a formal statement on Friday.

According to the Desert News:

Friday morning, about 30 students met outside of Wal-Mart in Heber City, waving an assortment of American flags, and then again outside the school. Some even wore attire patterned with the iconic stars and stripes.

Students supporting Schofield were outraged that someone would set Old Glory ablaze.

“There are thousands and thousands of soldiers (in) a couple different countries right now fighting for you to come to school and then you just burned (the flag) up like that?” student Samantha Emmanuel questioned.

“I honestly don’t understand why somebody would do that,” student Tiersa Trump said. “It’s really disrespectful.”

Dozens of student vehicles, many flying two American flags, cruised around the school and through town on Friday, and many Heber City residents showed their support, Emanuel said.

“Just driving around town and getting all the honks, it’s amazing the feeling you get afterwards,” she said.

Schofield told Fox 13 he’s proud of his classmates for supporting him, and America.

“I think its really important. It’s not just the material part of the flag, it’s the meaning behind it,” he said. “We’re just showing that we can fly our flags and we always will.”

  • RockyMtn1776

    Not much you can say about a state that votes the way their church leader tells them to vote. Fortunately, not all the young people are involved in this.