The Alex Jones Show, The aging Democrat may not be fit for office. Alex Jones presents a video compilation that PROVES Nancy Pelosi has completely lost her mind.
Alex Jones
US Police/Military Involved in Pedophile Roundups Speak Out
Infowars, Mainstream media silent on ongoing raids against child sex rings. Alex Jones reveals how numerous law enforcement units and intelligence agencies around the world are waging a war against major pedophile rings inside governments – and how the establishment-controlled media won’t report on the ongoing police raids: Watch on YouTube: To learn more, visit
Deep State, Shallow Media, and Meme Warfare
We know about it courtesy of WikiLeaks and its big “Year Zero”/Vault7 release, made just last week. The idea is to “aim for a full spectrum meme generation, analysis, quality control/assurance and organic transmission apparatus.” The CIA does not merely want to know everything we do. It wants to influence how we think. Planting stories
Trump Tweets Support for Rand Paul Healthcare Bill
Adan Salazar | Infowars, President signals support for repeal and replace bills introduced by Kentucky senator. President Donald Trump tweeted support for Obamacare repeal and replace bills introduced by Kentucky Senator Rand Paul mere hours after the congressman appeared on The Alex Jones Show. The former Republican presidential candidate criticized the healthcare law revision presented
Investigative Report: Colleges Are Now Giant Psychiatric Facilities
The Alex Jones Show, U.S. colleges have been turned into weapons of psychological warfare. Investigative journalist Jon Rappoport explains how America’s universities have become psychological warfare testing grounds. TOXIC Psychiatry IS TAKING OVER US Colleges Psychiatry is being used against the American public through the school systems to destroy future generations. Millennials: Generation Of Race
Watch: Trump Operative Roger Stone Survives Assassination Attempt, Doctors suspect longtime political adviser poisoned with radioactive substance used to murder spies. Former Trump adviser Roger Stone was recently targeted for assassination, he revealed on the Tuesday edition of the Alex Jones Show. The renowned Republican operative says he’s usually very healthy, but became violently ill unexpectedly several weeks ago. “I am generally
Media Ignoring Radical Threats Against Trump, Radical left caught in Terrorist Plot
Jamie White | Infowars, The mainstream media is refusing to cover news regarding the radical group Disrupt J20’s plan to commit violence and acts of domestic terrorism at both the inauguration and Deploraball, says Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe. “They do not want to report on the fact that people are going to cause havoc
US Electoral Process: Are Obama and the DHS Preparing to Overturn Trump Election?
Alex Jones | Infowars, Globalists to sacrifice America for NWO project. Outgoing President Obama and DHS Chief Jeh Johnson have seized control of the election system in America by illegally federalizing it: The announcement of a federal takeover of the electoral process follows a report from several intelligence agencies also released Friday which purports the
Dems Relevance Now Nonexistent, Aging party lacks clout and influence
The Democrats’ relevance has become “nonexistent” since the election, says intelligence insider Dr. Steve Pieczenik. “They literally have no recourse to anything,” Pieczenik said on The Alex Jones Show Tuesday. “The entire DNC is nonexistent.” The Democrat Party has been rapidly losing their grip on mainstream media, evidenced by outlets such as The New York Times
Roger Stone Claims Trump Wanted To “Torture” Mitt Romney
Mickey White, There has been quite a bit of speculation as to why President-elect Donald Trump invited Mitt Romney to dinner and floated his name for Secretary of State. Some thought it was an attempt by Trump to be magnanimous in his win. Others remained skeptical of his motivations. If one of his most ardent
The Ultimate “Fake News” List
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones, InfoWars The mainstream media is the primary source of the most harmful, most inaccurate news ever. Isn’t it ironic how the mainstream media has the nerve to lecture everyone else about “fake news” when they are the primary source of fake news on a consistent basis stretching back years?
Twitter Threatens To Kill Trump’s Account #SpeakFreely, Alex Jones discusses Twitter’s statement that they would consider banning President Elect Donald Trump’s account, an unprecedented move that would surely destroy the social media website. A Twitter spokesperson told Slate this week that it would consider banning government officials, including president elect Trump, if its rules against “hateful conduct” were violated. “Twitter Rules