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IT’S OFFICIAL: DONALD TRUMP Breaks Record With Most Votes Ever for Republican Candidate

Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit George W. Bush won 10.8 million votes in the 2000 Republican primary.  Donald Trump has won 11.1 million votes so far this year. Donald Trump won Oregon Last Night but Hillary Clinton barely squeaked out a win in Kentucky and lost to Bernie Sanders in Oregon. Kentucky was Hillary’s first primary win

DONALD TRUMP Still Outperforming Cruz, Sanders and Hillary Clinton!

Gateway Pundit | Jim Hoft,  Trump continues to outshine all candidates. Donald Trump, after New York, increased his lead against Ted Cruz.  Trump also continues to top Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in the elections to date. Primary and caucus results to date (as of Thursday April 21st) show that Trump continues to outshine all candidates. Charts by Joe

Trump camp just Loves this New Poll #VoteTrump

Larry O’Connor, It’s almost like polling agencies purposely choose Monday so news agencies are sure to have things to talk about. Capt. Ed has already broken down the PPP polls for tomorrow’s primary states and I pointed out a new Gallup poll showing how Hillary can barely capture the attention of women in her own

Check Out This Trump Domination The Mainstream Media Wants You To Ignore #AlwaysTrump

DC Whispers,   If it was a GOP candidate who apparently was anyone but Donald Trump, the repeated reports would be indicating him to be the single most dominant Republican candidate for President in a generation. Instead, the media and political establishment mouthpieces  even now continue to tell voters Trump might not win the GOP

Even GOP Spox Says Cruz Has No Way of Winning 1,237 Bound Delegates #Trump2016

Donald Trump is not only outperforming Ted Cruz in the election to date, he also outperforms Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders as well. The election results to date (as of Sunday April 17th) show that Trump outshines all the candidates. Donald Trump has: ** More primary wins (17)** More overall state wins (20)** The highest percentage

8 Neighborhoods Contributing More Than $500,000 to Republican Candidates

Alexander Kent, Elections are costly. Candidates, especially those running for president, have to consider how to pay for staff salaries, speaking venues, travel, food, and state election fees, among other things. Fundraising, then, becomes an integral part of political campaigns, and some areas of the country are better equipped to contribute than others. Campaign donations

Hedge Funds Boost Gasoline Bets as July 4 Holiday Nears

 Speculators boosted bets that gasoline prices will rise on prospects for the most Independence Day traffic in seven years and fighting in the Middle East. Money managers increased net-long positions by 7.6 percent in the week ended June 24, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission data show. Long positions advanced 5.5 percent and shorts fell 0.3

Seattle is probably going to enact a $15/hour minimum wage

Erika Johnsen, Last November, Seattle elected a straight-up socialist to their City Council who, among other economic/social-justice aspirations, included the already popular idea of a minimum wage hike to $15/hour in her campaign platform. Evidently, the fact that that is now very likely going to happen in a gradual phase-in over the next few years

Top Medicare Doctor Paid $21 Million in 2012, Data Shows

A doctor who treats a degenerative eye disease in seniors was paid $21 million by Medicare in 2012, twice the amount received by the next ophthalmologist on a list of 880,000 medical providers released by the government. The data on the payments was given to the public for the first time today by the Centers

Democratic Party Scandals: One California for Me, Another for Thee and Yee

Victor Davis Hanson  No place on the planet is as beautiful and as naturally rich as California. And few places have become as absurd. Currently, three California state senators are either under felony indictment or already have been convicted. State Sen. Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) made a political career out of demanding harsher state gun-control