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Jerry Seinfeld Endorses Roy Moore?

Ann Coulter, Apparently, the GOP is now the party of CHILD MOLESTATION! At least the media tell me that’s the meaning of President Trump’s endorsement of Senate candidate Roy Moore. Are we allowed to mention that Moore denies the charges? It’s hard to disprove accusations from 40 years ago — that’s why we have statutes

The Real Reason Democrats Hate Losing the State and Local Tax Deduction

Bob Barr, If you have ever wondered why leaders of liberal cities and states become giddy at any new spending opportunity – investments into light rail infrastructure, social programs for illegal aliens, public schools that look like palaces, billion-dollar sports stadiums – it is not because they are more public-minded than Republicans, or possess an

GOP Leaders Debate Combination Plan to Cut Legal Immigration, Approve a DACA Amnesty

Breitbart – by Neil Munro, House leaders are considering a plan to cut legal immigration in exchange for approving some form of DACA amnesty, says GOP Rep. David Brat. As reported in, Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.) said the Republicans are eying a plan consisting of three components favored by conservatives: An effort to discourage chain

It’s Trump’s Party Now

Pat Buchanan, “More is now required of us than to put down our thoughts in writing,” declaimed Jeff Flake in his oration against President Trump, just before he announced he will be quitting the Senate. Though he had lifted the title of his August anti-Trump polemic, “Conscience of a Conservative,” from Barry Goldwater, Jeff Flake