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Communism and Millennials

Jerry Newcombe, In mid-December, a science editor for BuzzFeedUK, Kelly Oates, tweeted, “All I want for Christmas is full communism now.” Once this tweet was noticed, she withdrew it and issued an apology. A month earlier, another BuzzFeedUK staffer, Blake Montgomery, had responded to a tweet from President Trump. The president had declared November 7,

Black Self-Sabotage

Walter E. Williams, The educational achievement of white youngsters is nothing to write home about, but that achieved by blacks is nothing less than disgraceful. Let’s look at a recent example of an educational outcome all too common. In 2016, in 13 of Baltimore’s 39 high schools, not a single student scored proficient on the

In School Districts Everywhere, Taxpayers Unknowingly Pay Millions to Fund Democrats

Joy Overbeck, In Douglas County, Colorado, the front line of the fight for school choice and vouchers on the SCOTUS level, Republican voters outnumber Democrats about two to one. Yet until recently, Republican taxpayers in this peaceful suburb south of Denver were unwittingly paying about $1.25 million a year to fund Democrats’ political campaigns. How

Education Today: A Prerequisite for Self-Destruction

JOE DAVID,  If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, as Jefferson cautioned, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed. President Ronald Reagan, National Library Week, 1981 Today’s students have been skillfully educated to demonstrate their ignorance with both ease and pride. If you have doubts, you should: Listen to them

A Local School Board Election Can Change the Nation

Star Parker, Former House Speaker Tip O’Neill famously observed, “All politics is local.” We have a particularly sharp example in an upcoming school board election in Douglas County, Colorado that has far-reaching national implications. At issue is the Blaine Amendment, which appears in constitutions of 38 states. The Blaine Amendment prohibits appropriation of public funds

Socialist Power Couple Under Investigation

Matthew Vadum, When leftists lawyer up. Feeling the prospective sting of accountability that socialist grifters rarely experience in their natural lives, Sen. Bernie Sanders is lashing out at those accusing his wife of an alleged financial fraud that caused Burlington College to collapse last year. Media reports also indicate prosecutors could be investigating the Independent

Why Do Liberals Constantly Deflect Ben Carson’s Wisdom Just To Score Cheap Political Points?

Armstrong Williams, It really is a shame.  During my Town Hall Interview conducted on my Sirius XM 126 Radio in which HUD Secretary Ben Carson began to explain some of the principles and market dynamics affecting policy initiatives at HUD, Carson noted that at its core, poverty is the result of a ‘poverty mindset’ that

The Forgotten Slaughters of the Innocents

Michelle Malkin, For now, everyone knows the sonorous name and cherubic face of 8-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos. She’s the littlest known victim of Monday night’s jihad attack in Manchester, England. Her doe-eyed image spread as rapidly across social media as the #PrayForManchester hashtags and Twitter condolences from celebrities. But I guarantee you that beautiful Saffie