NAACP Wants Stone Mountain Confederate Generals Sand-Blasted Off, Mount Rushmore Next?

 Largest bas relief sculpture in the world could be destroyed in the name of political correctness. The Atlanta chapter of the NAACP has called for the iconic and intricate Stone Mountain carvings which feature confederate generals to be sand-blasted off and wiped from the pages of history.  In the name of political correctness, NAACP’s Richard… [Read More]

NAACP President Arrested for Selling Cocaine

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown In a story that went virtually unreported in the mainstream media (try barely reported via a Google search), NAACP President Timothy Wade Miles was charged with selling cocaine to a confidential informant. The Star Press reported:   The president of the local chapter of the NAACP was arrested Wednesday,… [Read More]

Michelle Malkin: Fanning the Flames of Another Black Church Arson Hoax

 America is still reeling from the horrific Charleston, S.C., massacre at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church that claimed the lives of nine innocent people. The last thing the community and our country need are hysterical journalists compounding the pain with inflammatory reporting on an unsubstantiated “epidemic” of black church arsons. On Monday, a Baltimore Sun… [Read More]

The Confederate Flag and South Carolina

Steve Chapman, When I went off to college in 1972, leaving Texas for New England, I took something to remind me of home: a large Confederate flag. With my roommates’ indulgence, it hung on the wall of my freshman dorm suite the entire academic year. It seemed harmless at the time. I didn’t intend any… [Read More]

Rachel Dolezal: Is A Dude Playing a Dude Disguised As Another Dude

Doug Giles, If you’re a conservative comedian then OMG … did Jesus hand you some comedic gold this past week in the form of a white chick posing as a black chick who’s been heading up an NAACP chapter in Spokane. If that’s not a gift from heaven then I don’t know what is. Yep,… [Read More]

Civil Rights Scandals: The Great Pretenders

Jeff Crouere, Before the nation had a chance to digest the spectacle of former Olympic star Bruce Jenner transitioning into a female by the name of “Caitlyn,” another pretender has emerged. It seems that the NAACP President of Spokane, Washington is actually, heaven forbid, white. For years, Rachel Dolezal claimed to be an African American,… [Read More]

Washington state NAACP leader investigated over racial identity

A local leader for the NAACP is under investigation in Washington state for identifying herself as black on a city job application, as a Caucasian couple claims to be her biological parents. Rachel Dolezal, 37, serves as chair of Spokane’s independent police ombudsman commission, and identified herself as white, African-American, and Native American when applying… [Read More]

How the Left Is Killing Free Speech

Mike Adams, Universities need to stop giving students caps and gowns when they graduate. Instead, I recommend they give them helmets and wrap them in bubble wrap. The reason is that in college they become so weak and bruise so easily that there is little chance they can function in a free society without hurting… [Read More]

Pro-Abortion NAACP Forgets Free Speech Is a Civil Right And Loses Lawsuit

Ryan Bomberger, There’s nothing quite like learning about the fate of your hard-fought advocacy work through a tweet. I was spending time with my wife and children, doing our devotions, enjoying a nice big breakfast, and not worrying about the world around us for those precious morning hours last week. As the kids scurried out… [Read More]

Thomas Sowell: The New Inquisition

 How long will this country remain free? Probably only as long as the American people value their freedom enough to defend it. But how many people today can stop looking at their electronic devices long enough to even think about such things? Meanwhile, attempts to shut down people whose free speech interferes with other people’s… [Read More]

Michelle Malkin: The NAACP’s Fomenters of Fear

 They just can’t help themselves — and their agenda-driven media enablers never, ever learn. This week, the NAACP made national front-page headlines with a local press release demanding that the feds investigate the hanging death of a local man in Port Gibson, Miss. Derrick Johnson, president of the NAACP Mississippi State Conference, immediately invoked the… [Read More]

Michelle Malkin: The “NAACP Bombing” … or The Barbershop Bang?

COLORADO SPRINGS — From the liberal media’s coverage of my beautiful adopted hometown, you’d think we live in a KKK-infested hotbed where every person of color fears for his or her life. Take a look at these ominous headlines: -“Bombing of NAACP headquarters harkens to bad old days” — MSNBC -“Colorado Springs explosion recalls violence… [Read More]