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Therapeutic Universities and Soft Despotism

Bruce Thornton, The safe-space’s heart of darkness. The phenomenon of rich, privileged “snowflake” college students demanding “safe spaces” from “microagressions” rightly provokes derision and scorn from normal people. Those who live among the slings and arrows of the real world, where actions have consequences and one’s delicate self-esteem is a matter of indifference, can only

What Is a Narcissistic Person? IT’S ALL ABOUT ME – Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Dr. Louise Stanger, So, what is a narcissistic personality disorder? It’s often defined as a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that’s vulnerable to the slightest

Assange lashes out against CIA after Pompeo rips WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange accused the CIA of trying to “subvert” his First Amendment rights after agency Director Mike Pompeo called the group a “non-state hostile intelligence service” that is often abetted by “state actors like Russia.” “History shows the danger of allowing the CIA or any intelligence agency, whose very modus operandi includes misdirection

CIA’s Pompeo rips WikiLeaks as ‘hostile intelligence service’ abetted by Russia

CIA Director Mike Pompeo, in his first speech since taking over the agency, lambasted WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange — calling the group a “non-state hostile intelligence service” that is often abetted by “state actors like Russia.” Speaking Thursday at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Pompeo called Assange a “fraud,” someone with no

Democrats say GOP is in a ‘lose-lose’ situation with health care vote

Declaring their uniform opposition to the American Health Care Act, House Democrats said Republicans should be “ashamed” of themselves and that Republicans who support it will be “tattooed” with their vote. “What is happening today is a lose-lose situation for the Republicans. It’s a lose-lose for the American people, that’s for sure. But the people

At What Age Do Millennials Consider Themselves Adults? The Answer Will Stun You.

Aaron Bandler, A new report has found that millennials don’t consider themselves adults until they reach the age of 30. Yes, you read that correctly. According to The Wrap, research compiled by David Poltrack, the chief research officer at CBS and their ratings expert, as well as Nielsen Catalina Solutions found that millennials consider themselves adults at

Feminist Moms Create ‘Hijab Barbies’ to Fight Racism

Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars, The hijab is a symbol of Islam’s brutal oppression of women. Three moms in Pittsburgh are creating ‘Hello Hijab’ Barbie-compatible Islamic headscarves to encourage “inclusivity” and fight racism, presumably unaware of the fact that the hijab is a symbol of Islam’s brutal oppression of women. Gisele Fetterman, Safaa Bokhari and