Jamie White | Infowars, ISIS vowed to eradicate Christianity from Egypt, for example. Traditional Easter celebrations have been cancelled in Egypt over security fears after ISIS killed over 45 people with suicide bombs in two churches on Palm Sunday. The attacks came months after ISIS vowed to eradicate Christianity from Egypt, which comprises about 10%
Mutilating Little Girls in Michigan’s Little Palestine
Daniel Greenfield, A female genital mutilation horror in the Midwest. Livonia, Michigan is known as Little Palestine. The Detroit suburb is famous for its anti-Israel meetings. You could go hear Mustafa Barghouthi, Omar Barghouti and Ali Abunimah without taking a long drive. It’s also known for its shady doctors. Dr. Murtaza Hussain was busted for
Why Don’t We Care About the Slaughter of Christians?
Michael Brown, A United Airlines passenger is violently hauled off a plane, and there is national outrage, rightly so. Press Secretary Sean Spicer says that Assad is worse than Hitler, and again, there is national outrage, rightly so. Forty-five Egyptian Christians are slaughtered by ISIS while attending church services on Palm Sunday and scores of
Forty-Four Dead Christians: Islam’s Latest Victims
Raymond Ibrahim, The real driving force behind today’s church bombings in Egypt. Egypt’s Christians started Holy Week celebrations by being blown up today. Two Coptic Christian Orthodox churches packed with worshippers for Palm Sunday mass were attacked by Islamic suicide bombers; a total of 44 were killed and 126 wounded and mutilated. Horrific scenes of
ISIS says it carried out bombings at churches in Egypt that killed at least 37
The ISIS terror group has claimed responsibility for two separate Palm Sunday bombing attacks at Coptic Christian churches in Egypt that have killed 37 people and injured more than 100. The first blast happened at St. George church in the Nile Delta town of Tanta, where at least 26 people were killed and 71 others
Massacre Children, Bomb Villages With Nerve Gas and Sponsor Terror
Humberto Fontova, What a laugh-riot Raul Castro must be having at the expense of his chum and ally Bashar Assad! Best we can tell from recent news, using poison gas against villagers, massacring children and sponsoring terror groups will get a dictator’s fiefdom bombed by U.S. planes on the orders of U.S. presidents. Fine. Now
Palestinians Exploiting Children to Fight Israel
Noah Beck, Where is the international outrage? The new Palestinian curriculum for grades 1 to 4 “is significantly more radical than previous curricula,” concludes a new study by Hebrew University’s Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se). It “teaches students to be martyrs, demonizes and denies the existence of Israel, and focuses on
Risk of homegrown Islamist extremism rising
Cases of homegrown Islamist extremism in the United States continue to rise, according to the House Homeland Security’s latest Terror Threat Snapshot. The committee, led by Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, released its monthly report on Wednesday, which noted that of the 204 homegrown “jihadist cases” in the U.S. since 9/11, 36 occurred in the last 12 months.
“Proud Muslim” Proclaims Himself a “Triple Threat to Donald Trump”
Lloyd Billingsley, Dr. Asif Mahmood is candidate for lieutenant governor of California. “As a Muslim immigrant from the great blue state of California, I’ll be a triple threat to Donald Trump. I’m running for office to fight against him, and to fight for our families.” That was Dr. Asif Mahmood, a Democrat, last Wednesday outside
Syrian in South Carolina Busted in 2nd Islamic Terror Plot
Daniel Greenfield, If at first you don’t succeed, the authorities will let you try, try again. A South Carolina teenager plead guilty to gun charges after officials say he plotted to attack a US military base in hopes of joining ISIS. “It wasn’t like some fantasy he was acting out and then was nothing to
Google blood money
Daily Mail, Web giant cashes in on vile seven-minute video showing ‘knife expert’ penetrating a stab vest like the one worn by murdered Westminster PC. A Mail on Sunday investigation today exposes how Google has cashed in on a sickening YouTube video that shows viewers how to kill someone in a stab vest like the one worn by PC
Feds fear terror groups developing laptop bombs that evade airport security
U.S. intelligence sources suggest ISIS and other terrorist groups can build laptop bombs capable of slipping past airport security scanners, Fox News has learned. The sources fear that terrorists have gotten their hands on sophisticated airport security equipment that allows them to properly conceal explosives in laptops and other large electronic devices, Fox News reported