The Red White and Blue Wave of the Midterm Election
By Tiberiu Dianu,
Since December 2017 the mainstream press has been trying to induce to the general public the idea that a Democratic tsunami “blue” wave was going to hit America during the midterm election of November 6, 2018. Initial polls were showing a double-digit advantage in the generic ballot for Democrats.
In the meantime, weeks away from the fatidic day, President Trump is holding national rallies attended by audiences with six-figure numbers, the economy is booming, and the “wave” is disappearing. After they tacitly accepted their possible defeat for the Senate, the Democrats are all terrified by the idea of losing the House of Representatives, too.
Their leaders, like Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, in an attempt to save their face, attempted to cool down their supporters’ high expectations.
Also, the media attempted to divert voters’ attention with last-minute fake news on apparent Trump fan Cesar Sayoc and his fake bombs against liberal celebrities. In the end, diversions of this type will have the same effect as fake bombs: no harm done.
What will really happen at the midterm elections is a different kind of wave, not “blue” (since Democrats real color is actually red), but red-white-and-blue, fueled by President Trump’s patriotic stance on the American flag and National Anthem. “We kneel in prayer and we stand in front of our National Flag,” said repeatedly the president during his popular rallies. These are powerful words that have inspired the members of the young generation.
One of them is the high school student Jackson Dean Nicholson, who, during a football game, expressed his true feelings via a personal, countrified, version of National Anthem.
Asked later by the Fox News Channel reporters what his source of inspiration was, the young man with a raspy voice said simply: “I’m an American and proud of that!”
So, Americans should rest assured, America is in good hands. And the midterm elections of 2018 will beat history precedents. Bigly.
TIBERIU DIANU has published several books and a host of articles in law, politics, and post-communist societies. He currently lives and works in Washington, DC and can be followed on MEDIUM.