Liberal Media Applauds ‘Not My President’ Day #MAGA

Joseph Curl,

When Barack Obama was president, anyone who didn’t gush over his every move was a hater and, more importantly, racist.
If you didn’t embrace every policy Obama pushed, you were ignorant, and, worse, unAmerican.
Those who said “Not My President” about Obama were roundly condemned as horrible people and, quite possibly, mental defectives.
great_small Liberal Media Applauds 'Not My President' Day #MAGA Liberals
But anything goes with President Trump. You can call him stupid, declare he’s “not your @$%^&* president,” question his parentage, whatever you want.
It’s all fair game because, c’mon, everyone knows Hillary Clinton got more popular votes and the Founders are just as stupid as Trump — and probably just as racist.
So now, on President’s Day, the media is helping to spread the word that everyone should hit the strrets to protest against Trump. “From coast to coast, thousands of people across the U.S. have spent their President’s Day holiday weekend protesting Donald Trump’s anti-immigration policies,” said the Ground Zero of fake news, NBC.
Protesters in Dallas, Los Angeles and New York also gathered, calling for more sanctuary cities so more illegal aliens can come into the U.S. and sponge off American taxpayers. “Meanwhile, hundreds of scientists took to the streets of Boston urging Trump to recognize climate change and tackle environmental issues,” NBC said.
But those were all just warm ups for Monday, which protesters are calling “Not My President’s Day.”
A rally is planned in Los Angeles, birthplace of NMPD. “The purpose of the Monday rally is to show that President Trump “has attacked every value Californians embody,” according to its Facebook page, where 3,500 have signed up to attend.”
There’ll be one in New York, too, and D.C., as wel as Chicago and Atlanta. D.C. rally purpose is to show that “Donald Trump’s hate does not have a mandate anywhere, especially not in our District.” 
In a wonderfully ironic twist, Chicago’s rally doesn’t have “a specific message, but a pointed purpose: unity.” Organizers thought having just one focus would further divide the country.
“We want to fight the entirety of the administration,” said rally coordinator Laura Hartman.
  • Dr Studebaker

    Stupid people voted popular vote and sure more then a just a little cheating and You had this in the bag for hill o beans but all those silent voters We punished you fools We Didn’t want a serial liar A thief a secret seller