Trump Unity Tour Could Throw Off Needling Press

Edmund Kozak,

President-elect could upend the transition nitpicking by taking his case into skeptical communities.

Throughout the campaign, Donald Trump revealed a remarkable ability to influence media coverage and shatter the false images of him that mainstream media liberals were painting. Now that he is the president-elect, Trump must do so once more.

Riotous protests against Trump’s win continue across the country, protests that a hostile mainstream media is depicting as spontaneous bursts of concern and outrage against a dangerous incoming administration — despite obvious indications the protests may be are bought and paid for by left-wing organizations. The mainstream media also continues to insist Trump is surrounding himself with bigots, of which newly named White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is allegedly an example.

The mainstream media continues to insist that President-Elect Trump is and will continue to be a divider. He must show them the uniter he promised to be.

Meanwhile, Trump has been busy in Trump Tower carefully planning his transition and deciding who will serve in his Cabinet. Unfortunately, his temporary absence from the public sphere is allowing the mainstream media to craft the narrative surrounding his incoming presidency — and they are creating a narrative that predicts only strife and division.

During the campaign, when the mainstream media said Trump wouldn’t be able to have a dialogue with Mexico, he went to Mexico, met with that nation’s president, and proved them wrong. When they said he was blind to the concerns of the black community, he delivered a well-received address to an African-American audience at a church in Michigan.

When Milwaukee was beset by violence following a police shooting, and the media was doing nothing but push the divisive Black Lives Matter narrative, Trump went to Milwaukee and doubled down on his support for law enforcement, and called on the black community to reject the Democrats’ racially charged rhetoric.

Now he must take his transition on the road — and prove to the country and the media that he is deadly serious in his promise to be a president for all Americans.

If Trump gets out of Trump Tower, and addresses a union hall or two, meets with black and Latino community leaders — if he is visibly seen as making an honest effort to reach out to all Americans — the mainstream media will be forced to cover his honest effort to reach out to all Americans.

Of course, were Trump to make such a move, the mainstream media may very well try to criticize him for shirking his responsibilities regarding the transition process.

But given the capable hands of Vice President-Elect Mike Pence, the fact that Trump would never let an important decision be made without his final input and consideration, and the existence of cellphones — it’s safe to say that dereliction of duty would be an easy charge for Trump to beat.

And given that the mainstream media is already doing its best to cast doubt on the success of Trump’s transition process, giving them something else significant to cover could certainly create a win-win situation.

Taking time from overseeing the transition process to go on a sort of unity tour would indeed be a bold move for Trump to make — but it would be just the sort of bold move that characterized his campaign, and pushed him further along on his path to victory.

The mainstream media continue to insist that President-Elect Trump is and will continue to be a divider. He must show them the uniter he promised to be.