Trump Up By 22,000 Votes in Wisconsin Recount …Proving his point he would win a recount

Day five of the recount is underway in Wisconsin and it’s not looking good for Hillary.

Trump has lost 783,341 votes so far.

But Hillary’s lost 830,623 votes, for a difference of 47,282 votes.

The City of Milwaukee claims absentee ballots still haven’t been recounted.

vote-totalswis_small Trump Up By 22,000 Votes in Wisconsin Recount ...Proving his point he would win a recount Voters

“Milwaukee counts its absentee ballots centrally (not at the polling place) on Election Night,” the state’s election commission website says. “When those absentee ballots have been counted the numbers will be updated.” 

Check out the Wisconsin Recount Results Update page for the latest on the recount, and see for yourself why it’s backfiring spectacularly on Hillary.
