He is Not Trustworthy: Sources Say Ted Cruz to Drop Out Next

It might be time for Ted Cruz to drop out and endorse Donald J. Trump?

John Kasich: “Maybe Ted ought to get out because he can’t win in the fall,” the Ohio governor said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “Maybe these people that are hot on that ought to tell him to do it. You know, they tried to tell me to get out of the race how many times, Chuck?” he asked host Chuck Todd.

Ted Cruz:  “At this point, it is clear the voters have decided it’s a two-man race.”

TIME TO DROP OUT? Ted Cruz Needs 87% of Remaining Delegates to Win Nomination.

After Super Tuesday 2.0 Donald Trump is on track to secure the Republican nomination.

We are see­ing Trump’s op­pon­ents em­ploy strategies that mainly help Trump…. in­stead of think­ing stra­tegic­ally, Kasich and Cruz are be­hav­ing as if they have a lo­gic­al shot at win­ning a ma­jor­ity of del­eg­ates. Cruz na­ively be­lieves that, if the race were a one-on-one battle with him and Trump, he’d pre­vail. These as­sump­tions are de­lu­sion­al. Cruz would likely lose badly to Trump head-to-head in the North­east­ern battle­grounds, where his brand of con­ser­vat­ism is as dis­liked as Trump’s pop­u­list spiel. And Kasich is math­em­at­ic­ally elim­in­ated from win­ning a ma­jor­ity of del­eg­ates; it’s near-im­possible for him to even come close to Trump.

The New York Times reported:

Donald J. Trump’s series of victories Last Tuesday extended his delegate lead and forced Senator Marco Rubio of Florida out of the presidential race. Mr. Trump’s path to winning enough delegates to secure the Republican nomination is not assured, but he is in a strong position.

Here are some ways the Republican nominating contest could unfold.

If Mr. Trump maintains his current level of support in the remaining races, he would almost certainly secure the nomination.

After Tuesday’s contests, no other candidate retains a real chance of capturing the delegates required to win the nomination outright. Mr. Rubio dropped out, Gov. John Kasich of Ohio is too far behind, and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas would need to win the vast majority of the remaining delegates — a near impossibility.


Republican presidential candidate John Kasich is calling for Ted Cruz to drop out of the 2016 race for the White House.

In an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, Kasich claimed that Ted Cruz is “unelectable” in the general election.

“Maybe Ted ought to get out because he can’t win in the fall. Maybe these people that are hot on that ought to tell him to do it. You know, they tried to tell me to get out of the race how many times.”

Kasich’s comments came after Cruz said Friday that “there’s no good reason” for Kasich to stay in the race.

“When you go 1-for-27, that’s a problem,” the Texas senator explained during a Friday interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity. “At this point, it is clear the voters have decided it’s a two-man race.”

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  • Kelsonus

    Oh silly trmpsters