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The New York Times Offers Propaganda Charter Cruise to Cuba

Humberto Fontova, “Cuba’s new relationship with the United States has opened ways of exploring its complex history and culture… cruise from culturally diverse Santiago de Cuba to Havana aboard the 64-passenger sailing yacht Le Ponant.  Return from this 11-day adventure with a new appreciation of Cuba.” Well? What could be more historically fitting than the

Raul Castro Finally Slams President Trump

Humberto Fontova, This week Raul Castro (co-founder of a regime that jailed  political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin’s and murdered them at a higher rate than pre-war Hitler’s) denounced President Trump’s proposed Mexican wall in tear-jerking terms:  “The wall that is intended to be build on the northern border of Mexico is an expression

The Washington Post Has Undisclosed Links to Castro-Regime Torturers

Humberto Fontova, The Washington Post pretty much “broke” the “scandal” involving Jeff Sessions’s “non-disclosure” of a meeting (while Chairman of the Armed Services Committee) with the Russian Ambassador to the U.S.—in other words, for doing his job. You can also make a case that The Washington Post was performing its job when it hired a

The Forgotten Treachery of Obama’s State Department

Humberto Fontova, We all know about the Obama administration’s lies and treachery regarding Benghazi. But how many of you know about the Obama administration’s lies and treachery against the American families of the Americans ambushed and murdered on the orders of Raul Castro?……. Thought so…Well, please read on: You see, amigos: This week 21 years

Carlson Grills Former Mexican Official Who Plots to Sabotage System With Deportation Cases

Humberto Fontova, “Yes I want to use the U.S. judicial system—the immigration courts in particular- to jam, to backlog it so perhaps President Trump will change his mind and stop this ridiculous policy- this unpleasant and hostile policy- of deporting people…” (Jorge Castañeda to Tucker Carlson, Fox News, 2/14/17.) The “ridiculous policy” consists of President

Artist Who Drew Trump As A Murderous Head-Chopping Terrorist is a Cuban refugee

Humberto Fontova, Draws Che Guevara Much Differently. In case you hadn’t heard, the American artist who drew President Trump as a murderous terrorist beheading Lady Liberty for Germany’s Der Spiegel magazine is a Cuban refugee. His name is Edel Rodriguez and he escaped Cuba as a 9 year old with his family in 1980 during

Racing Toward Racism

Autry J. Pruitt, Barack Obama normalized relations with Cuba saying in part, “Neither the American, nor Cuban people are well served by a rigid policy that is rooted in events that took place before most of us were born.” His reference to long standing policy that repeatedly ended in failure echoed Albert Einstein’s definition of

GOOD RIDDANCE: Obama’s 7 Worst Foreign Policy Blunders

Michael Qazvini, There’s no question that President Obama may go down as one of the worst foreign policy presidents in modern history. That’s not editorialized opinion; it’s just a fact. HIs mind still trapped in the ivory tower, Obama dismissed the advice of military brass to pursue an international affairs agenda based on appeasement.  He

Historic presidency, controversial legacy: What Obama leaves behind

When he took the stage last Wednesday night for his farewell address, Barack Obama made his case for the agenda he doggedly pursued these past eight years – touting gains in the job market, the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, legalized gay marriage and breakthroughs in foreign affairs stretching from Cuba to Iran. “By

Obama Caves to Castro—AGAIN!

Humberto Fontova,  “President Obama said Thursday that he was terminating the 22-year-old policy that has allowed Cubans who arrived on United States soil without visas to remain in the country and gain legal residency, an unexpected move long sought by the Cuban government. (italics mine.) “Effective immediately, Cuban nationals who attempt to enter the United