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Special Counsel Stacked With Democrat Donors Rolls Out Indictments

Susan Stamper Brown, And so, it begins. Robert Mueller’s Office of the Special Counsel is rolling out indictments connected to Russian interference in the 2016 election. Odds are, indictments for Democrats won’t be a high priority, given Mueller’s special counsel is stacked with Democrat Donors. For the past year, all we’ve heard is that Russia

Outrage after network appears to threaten Reddit user #CNNBlackmail

CNN was facing almost universal backlash on Wednesday after running an article on the Reddit user who made an anti-CNN, wrestling-themed GIF tweeted by President Trump over the weekend – and seeming to imply the network would reveal the person’s identity if he reneged on an apology.  Andrew Kaczynski, the senior editor and founding member

CNN Tries To Move Forward After Its Latest Humiliation

Kurt Schlichter, “Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary beings who refuse to be forced into one or more specific genders,” began CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker, employing the network’s prescribed group salutation. “I have gathered you all today here in the CNN newsroom to discuss this Anthony Scaramucci Russia story we retracted and how it has had