Archives for

first presidential debate

A Vote for Election Day

I suspect most voters watching Monday night’s debate found it pretty boring. President Obama wanted to force Mitt Romney into saying something stupid. Romney didn’t take the bait. So pretty much nothing changed the dynamics of the race. But what if something did? What if Obama announced in a fit of pique that “America doesn’t [...]

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Why Mitt Romney Will Win

President Obama was on the ropes in the polls after the first presidential debate. After the second presidential debate, he hit the mat in the polls. And after the third presidential debate, he looks to be down for the count. The question, of course, is why. Looking at the debates alone doesn’t tell the full [...]

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In debates and life, Romney likes the rules

WASHINGTON (AP) — When it comes to debates, Mitt Romney loves the rules. The eyes of millions of voters upon him, the Republican candidate is quick to poke holes in his rival’s arguments. But he’s just as ready to take the moderator to task when he believes the predetermined ground rules have been breached. Expect [...]

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Obama accuses Republican rival of suffering "Romnesia"

President Barack Obama turned his opponent’s name into an ailment on Friday, accusing rival Mitt Romney of suffering from “Romnesia” for emphasizing moderate positions rather than the conservative ones he put forward in the Republican primary race. Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, has closed a gap in opinion polls with the Democratic incumbent after [...]

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Women Decide for Whom the Buck Stops

There’s a new woman voter out there. Empowered women are holding themselves to the same standard they hold men to, and it’s showing up in the public opinion polls. Female concerns over the debt and the deficit, not the usual gender issues, have dramatically increased as the Nov. 6 election bears down upon us. The [...]

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O-H-I-O: BO Must Go!

There has been much consideration given to Ohio in the 2012 presidential election, and rightfully so. Ohio is a microcosm of the nation. It is a diverse mix of urban and suburban with wide educational, cultural, and socio-economic differences. Very often as Ohio goes, so goes the nation. With its coveted 18 electoral votes well [...]

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How the Liberal Media Ruined Obama

It’s not an “Incumbent Curse,” as MSNBC would call Obama’s performance at Wednesday’s first presidential debate. It was not Obama’s fear of coming across as the angry black man, as Michael Eric Dyson surmised, that prevented Obama from driving a strong debate on the issues with Mitt Romney. And it was not that Mitt Romney [...]

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Undecided Voters say Romney Won Big

The political world is buzzing this morning after the first Presidential Debate at the University of Denver last night. Supporters of Gov. Romney were thrilled with his performance. Those backing President Obama weren’t so pleased. As MSNBC’s Chris Matthews fumed, “Where was Obama tonight…What was he doing?” The debate probably didn’t change the opinion of [...]

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What to Watch For in the First Presidential Debate

  At last, the pregame show is over. Brett O’Donnell, America’s premier debate coach, on the key pivot points in the first Obama-Romney throwdown. Tonight, President Barack Obama and former governor Mitt Romney will step onto the stage for the first of perhaps the most consequential series of presidential debates in American history. What is [...]

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