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Trump’s Economy Booming

Matthew Vadum, Leftists are having to talk their comrades down from ledges. President Trump’s economic boom is undeniably underway which means that the Left will grow increasingly strident and desperate in the lead-up to this year’s midterm congressional elections and beyond. The better things go under Trump, the more looney the Left becomes. Left-wingers need

Fat Ass Could Be Facing Prison Time And A $12 MILLION FINE For Bribery

After ex-comedian Rosie O’Donnell’s meltdown on Twitter before the Senate’s big tax vote Tuesday night, President Donald Trump can reasonably direct federal authorities to lock her up — and even to “take some money out of her fat-ass pockets,” which he once infamously cited as a personal goal. Starting a few hours before the legislation passed, O’Donnell

How to Make the Left Embrace Trump’s 15% Corporate Tax Rate Target

Steve Sherman, In Washington, it’s time for congressional Republicans to do the limbo. Most conservatives agree that America’s out-of-control corporate tax rate needs drastic reform. Over the next few weeks, Speaker Paul Ryan and Ways and Means Committee Chair Kevin Brady must crank up the boombox and ask their GOP colleagues just how low they

The Only Fight That Matters

Derek Hunter, I don’t expect much from Republicans, which leads to rarely being disappointed. And not delivering much is something at which the GOP excels, unfortunately. But there is one area in which the president and the Senate must act, or anything they happen to achieve or have already been achieved could easily be rendered moot: the

Letter from Pennsylvania: Liberty, Safety and Real ID

Colin McNickle, Scholars of America’s Founding long have argued that one of Benjamin Franklin’s most famous quotes routinely is twisted from its original intent. For some, that very quote has been front and center in the Pennsylvania debate over adopting federal Real ID standards. First, the Franklin quote: “Those who would give up essential liberty,