injustice Archive

Walter E. Williams: Fairness and Justice

 Oxfam reports that the richest one percent of people in the world own 48 percent of the world’s wealth. Many claim that we should be alarmed by income inequality because it hampers upward mobility. Others argue that because income is distributed so …

The Social Justice to Prison Pipeline

Lee Culpepper,  Does anything reveal the injustice of social justice better than inner city public schools? Racial-grievance hitmen, like Attorney General Eric Holder, spew idiotic theories about an inherently racist system that funnels minority children from schools to prisons. On planet earth, …

Who Is Killing Off Black Americans

Michael Brown,   In the grief and shock following the grand jury’s decision not to indict the officer who put Eric Garner in a chokehold that proved deadly, one protester remarked, “we have to make a change because they’re killing us off.” Without …

Jack Kerwick: “White Privilege” Exposed

 The idea of “white privilege” has made the news recently. The truth, though, is that it has been a fetish of leftist academics for quite some time. “White privilege,” as one sage puts it, “is a form of racism” that’s “predicated on …

Ann Coulter: Don’t stigmatize murderers!

 Mass murder at a sunny college campus in a beach town would normally be considered “newsy,” but Elliot Rodger’s massacre at the University of California-Santa Barbara last Friday is getting surprisingly little press. This is not a good case for liberals: The …

Walter E. Williams: Wage Discrimination

 “President Obama Vows Zero Tolerance on Gender Wage Gap,” read one headline. Another read, “Women Still Earned 77 Cents On Men’s Dollar In 2012.” It’s presumed that big, greedy corporations are responsible for what is seen as wage injustice. Before discussing the …
Marxist-in-Chief: 50 Shades of Treason

Marxist-in-Chief: 50 Shades of Treason

by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton U.S. Constitution – Article 3 Section 3 Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless …