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An Unfond Farewell to Un-statesman Orrin Hatch

Michelle Malkin, The longest-serving Republican senator in U.S. history announced this week that he will finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally, finally retire. That’s seven “finallys” — one for each of the consecutive six-year terms Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, served. He begin his occupancy in 1976, when all phones were dumb, the 5.25-inch floppy disk

In a Political World Gone Topsy-Turvy, Mike Pence Is the Party Leader

Salena Zito, NEW YORK — When President Donald Trump shook the political world, the epicenter was Pennsylvania, the one swing state Republicans had tried and failed to carry in each of the last six presidential elections. The flamboyant businessman targeted Pennsylvania from the start and addressed the Pennsylvania Republican Party’s signature fundraising event in Manhattan

Judge Jeanine Challenges GOP: ‘Put Your Big Boy Pants On,’ Get Behind Trump

In her Opening Statement on Saturday, Judge Jeanine Pirro praised President Trump for conducting a targeted airstrike in Syria, and urged Republicans to show courage similar to their party’s leader. “This is what we voted for,” she said. Pirro demanded that Congressional Republicans “put on their big boy pants” and have the political courage Trump

Allen West: The Challenge of Governing, the Responsibility of Leading

Allen West, There has been much analysis of the failed House GOP healthcare plan. Let me start by making it perfectly clear, I am a Constitutional Conservative, and the possibility of the Democratic Party, progressive socialists, ever having control of our federal government is unacceptable. We can blame and assail the GOP all we want,

Trump to sign order on Tuesday easing energy regulations

President Donald Trump will sign an order on Tuesday aimed at making it easier for companies to produce energy in the United States, administration officials said on Sunday. Under Trump, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is aiming to aggressively roll back Obama-era environmental regulations. Trump plans to sign the executive order at the EPA to