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Twitter User Who Allegedly Caused Journalist’s Seizure Charged With Assault

Alex Pfeiffer | Daily Caller With A Deadly Weapon. The felony assault charge comes with a hate crime enhancement. John Rivello, the Twitter user who allegedly sent a tweet that caused a journalist to have a seizure, was charged by the Dallas District Attorney Monday with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The felony assault

Given a Choice Between Fear and Apathy, I’ll Take Fear

Jonah Goldberg, Dystopia is in the air these days. George Orwell’s “1984” is selling like hotcakes — if hotcakes still sold well in this low-carb world. Is the president to blame? I think historians, no doubt working from their subterranean monasteries, bunkered from the radioactive wasteland above, will note that dystopianism, apocalypticism and other forms

Haley demands UN withdraw report branding Israel ‘apartheid’ state

A United Nations report co-authored by anti-Israel scholar Richard Falk on Wednesday accused the U.S. ally of being “guilty of the crime of apartheid” – triggering a furious response from the Trump administration, which demanded the U.N. “withdraw” the study.  America’s U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley blasted the report as “anti-Israel propaganda” in a statement late

Illegal Immigrant Crime: The Real Story

Katie Kieffer, Deal with it, Democrats: illegal immigrants commit crime far more often than legal immigrants. Six days after President Trump was inaugurated as our 45th President, the typing wizards at the New York Times got a little desperate. We’re talking nail biting; chain-smoking; shot-pounding nervous. So they made a story. Days before President Trump’s

Attorney General Sessions is Right to Clean House #DrainTheSwamp

Daniel Greenfield, The last month has demonstrated with painful clarity that the government needs a thorough spring cleaning. Political appointees should be put out the door, cleanly, neatly and efficiently. The more gentlemanly approach of this administration to the transition was repaid with a variety of dirty attacks and sabotage from inside the government. Removing

Atty General Sessions May Use Outside Counsel to Investigate Holder/Lynch DOJ

Daniel Greenfield, Like a musty old house that was used as a trash dump, the Justice Department needs major cleaning up. As does much of the government. But the DOJ remains more mission critical. And as it clear, there is no honeymoon for President Trump. And scandals will be constantly generated and drip fed. The

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Congress Created a Monster

Judge Andrew Napolitano, Those of us who believe that the Constitution means what it says have been arguing since the late 1970s that congressional efforts to strengthen national security by weakening personal liberty are unconstitutional, un-American and ineffective. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which Congress passed in the aftermath of President Richard Nixon’s use of


Ann Coulter: Before breathing a sigh of relief that, unlike Western Europe, we don’t have Muslim rapists pouring into our country, recall that we have Mexican rapists pouring into our country. Almost all peasant cultures are brimming with rapists, pederasts and child abusers. Latin America just happens to be the peasant culture closest to the

For Democrats, How Many American Victims Are Enough?

Derek Hunter, Now that President Trump has followed through on his campaign promise and started the deportation process for criminal illegal aliens, Democrats and the media are united in outrage. One talking point dominates all others: Immigrants have a much lower crime rate than Americans do, so it’s unfair to target them. This begs the