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US targets network backing Iran’s use of child soldiers

The Treasury Department on Tuesday targeted a network of banks and businesses that provides financial support to a paramilitary force in Iran, which allegedly trains and deploys child soldiers to fight with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. The sanctions are part of the U.S. economic campaign to pressure Iran to radically alter its policies, including

Outrage after network appears to threaten Reddit user #CNNBlackmail

CNN was facing almost universal backlash on Wednesday after running an article on the Reddit user who made an anti-CNN, wrestling-themed GIF tweeted by President Trump over the weekend – and seeming to imply the network would reveal the person’s identity if he reneged on an apology.  Andrew Kaczynski, the senior editor and founding member

CNN Tries To Move Forward After Its Latest Humiliation

Kurt Schlichter, “Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary beings who refuse to be forced into one or more specific genders,” began CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker, employing the network’s prescribed group salutation. “I have gathered you all today here in the CNN newsroom to discuss this Anthony Scaramucci Russia story we retracted and how it has had

Media Bias 101

Erick Erickson, After the November election last year, a friend of mine asked how many reporters know people with a pick up truck. It seemed a reasonable question. The pick up truck makes up the top three most popular vehicles in the United States. How many truck owners do political reporters know? You would have

Durbin Amendment Routing Provision Costly to Consumers

Andrew Quinlan, Once again, politicians in our nation’s capital failed to beat the free market by setting price controls. This should come as no surprise. Historically, government price-setting has never resulted in any tangible benefit for American consumers—the very people it’s intended to help. Anyone who lived through the gas shortages of the 1970s or

Twitter Using Watson A.I. to Crack Down on ‘Abuse’

Nate Church, It’s come to this: Twitter is now employing IBM’s Watson artificial intelligence to help fight the ongoing war against its own users. The AI famous for winning at Jeopardy and replacing insurance claims agents will take on its greatest challenge yet: Twitter trolls. Watson will use its ability to interpret natural language and analyze images