Archives for

First Amendment

Stop Scaremongering. The Press Is Freer Than It’s Ever Been

David Harsanyi, The Committee to Protect Journalists, a group alleging to promote press freedom and the rights of journalists, gave President Donald Trump the Overall Achievement in Undermining Global Press Freedom Award in its Press Oppressors awards this week. The story was giddily retweeted across the liberal Twitterverse because, one imagines, people actually believe it.

Trump is assaulting our free press. But he also has a point.

Trump’s attacks on the press are the worst in our history. We shouldn’t push back. “Fox News Sunday” anchor Chris Wallace says even though President Trump treats the free press like his enemy, journalists shouldn’t treat him like he’s theirs. (Gillian Brockell/The Washington Post) Chris Wallace is anchor of “Fox News Sunday.” This op-ed is

No Free Speech Defense For Christian Baker Who Refused To Bake Gay Wedding Cake

Amanda Prestigiacomo, The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has once again showed itself to be useless, or inconsistent at best, rejecting the claim that Colorado-based Christian baker Jack Phillips has free speech protections in refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding because it conflicted with his deeply held religious beliefs. The Washington Times

Creeping Totalitarianism

Erick Erickson, Polling from YouGov this week shows 45 percent of Republicans support letting courts shut down “news media outlets for publishing or broadcasting stories that are biased or inaccurate.” Only 18 percent of Democrats favor this. Worse, only 33 percent of Republicans recognize that “fining news media outlets for publishing or broadcasting stories that

What Happened to the First Amendment?

Congressman Francis Rooney, Our First Amendment right to free speech is under assault on many college and university campuses around the country.  Under the guise of protecting students, the freedom to express views not deemed acceptable to an intolerant, judgmental elite is being attacked and denounced by students, professors and, in many cases, administrators. Protection

Masterpiece Cakeshop Is Fighting for the First Amendment, Not Against Gay Marriage

David Harsanyi, This week, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case of Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips, the man who refused to create a specialty wedding cake for a same-sex couple in Colorado in 2012. Yet the stories that dominate coverage distort the public’s understanding of the case and its serious implications. For one

Progressively Losing Freedom

Paul Jacob, Winning elections is important, sure. But so is control of the streets. So is protecting the continued free exchange of ideas. On college campuses, so-called “progressives” routinely dub speakers they dislike “fascists.” The former head of the Democratic National Committee now claims the horrifying things these “fascists” say qualify as “hate speech,” which