Chemtrail Related Illnesses likely the largest cause of disease today

Global Skywatch

People are reporting illnesses associated with chemtrail spraying in countries around the globe. Unexplained deaths of animals and plant life are occurring as well.

This page provides you with an overview of the illnesses that are being experienced. It also contains information that you won’t hear in mainstream media.  

Please take a moment and send a link to this page to a friend. You may help them by enabling them to discover the root cause of their own illnesses.

Symptoms Associated with Chemtrails

They are called “The Big 4”. They are the 4 most common serious illnesses associated with chemtrails:

  • Aneurysms – Components of chemtrails are believed to block arteries and weaken arterial walls leading to aneurysms and eventually to deadly strokes.
  • Strokes – Nano-particle aluminum builds up in capllaries causing blockages eventually leading to aneyrysms and strokes.
  • Heart Attacks – Barium dramatically lowers potassium in mammals leading to heart fibrillations and heart attacks. In fact, barium is used in animal testing to artificially induce heart attacks.
  • Cancer – Most of the components of chemtrails suppress the immune system. When the immune system is suppressed for extended periods, cancer grows and thrives.

By no means are these the only illnesses associated with chemtrails. Following are a number of other common symptoms that people report on a daily basis:

These symptoms are being experienced by a rapidly-growing number of people around the world. They are commonly associated with the appearance of chemtrails.

chemtrails_small Chemtrail Related Illnesses likely the largest cause of disease today Environment

Most of these symptoms are commonly associated with mercury poisoning. A few other items are associated with aluminum and barium toxicity.

View a comprehensive list of ailments and solutions caused by geoengineering.

Not Experiencing Symptoms?

The toxins that make up chemtrails often have health effects that are cumulative, so if you are not affected by the spraying now, you may be affected in the near future.

It’s important to think about children. Just as most symptoms of mercury poisoning do not generally appear until mercury reaches a certain level in the body, chemtrail toxicity appears to work exactly the same way.

We have spoken to many people having symptoms that increased over time as they were exposed to chemtrail spraying. This cumulative effect is all the more reason to get involved in stopping the spraying even if you’re not experiencing symptoms right now.

Animals and the Environment

Chemtrails appear to be having a dramatic effect not only on humans, but on animal health and on the environment. For example:

This list is by no means exhaustive. We have more animal-related chemtrail anomalies listed here.

Numerous other environmental anomalies are also occurring and we believe we know what is causing this harm, but we need to test our hypothesis and then publish our results. Finally, legal action needs to be taken to put an end to chemical spraying and to punish those who are responsible.

Our Purpose

Many are reporting health issues and environmental damage associated with chemical/chemtrail spraying activity. For this reason, we believe chemtrails are the most important issue of our time.

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Together, we must put an end to chemtrails and chemical spraying.


  • DrArtaud

    Chem Trails, this is enough to have a person fitted with an aluminum foil cap to stop the flow of negative energy into their brain. But does it have merit? Debating the issue with my supervisor at work, of course he felt it doesn’t. This same supervisor said his father died from smoking, though his father worked in the mill his entire life and had a variety of exposures there.

    My wife and I spot storms and bad weather (though living in the city, there’s not a big need, but we stand ready to report very local events and when traveling), we admire trees, we are bird watchers, amateur astronomers, and we enjoy seeing the military planes that fly over, basically, we look up in the sky often. One day at work I was watching a high altitude plane that was leaving behind it a rather significant contrail. Suddenly, the contrails stopped, shortly later started, shortly after stopped, and soon restarted. The plane had engines on the wings and both wings were starting and stopping the contrails at the same time. The plane, decidedly, was not skywriting, it was way up there and continued on without further dashes in the contrails. Even my boss was surprised about the sharply interrupted contrails when I told him. These were not trailing behind, I watched them start and stop at the wings edge.

    Kirsten Meghan, supposedly a whistle blower from the Air Force, plenty of sites debunking her, but, I’m going to trust my instincts, after listening to our intelligence community say that Trump will die in prison (I’m still waiting for the individuals that said that to be fired and possibly arrested), I’m thinking we really can’t trust the debunking sites, too easy to throw together BS and say it’s debunked. The fracking industry did it with Oklahoma earthquakes, claiming that fracking waste water disposal wasn’t causing incessant earthquakes. Chart: Oklahoma Earthquakes by Year

    I worked for 8 years as a union safety representative, I read technical articles incessantly, and I find her comments to be consistent with my knowledge of Industrial Hygiene (IH). She is relaxed discussing the topic, she is not searching for words, she seems to be well experienced in IH. Tracking chemicals is an essential part of IH, and complete MSDS (material data safety sheets) require complete information sections, including the manufacturer information. She even correctly said they used to be called MSDS, they are now SDS (safety data sheets).

    Article: Hazard Communication Safety Data Sheets

    The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) requires chemical manufacturers, distributors, or importers to provide Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) (formerly known as Material Safety Data Sheets or MSDSs) to communicate the hazards of hazardous chemical products. As of June 1, 2015, the HCS will require new SDSs to be in a uniform format, and include the section numbers, the headings, and associated information under the headings below:

    Take from these what you will. I find her very credible and she addresses the issue from an angle I’ve never seen used before, namely the supply and handling of chemical agents possibly used in Chem Trails and their possible purpose.

    Video: SHOCKING NEW INTERVIEW! CHEMTRAILS Kristen Meghan USAF Air Force Whistle Blower! USAF

    Video: Don’t know about or Believe in Chemtrails?