Congressman: We Have the Votes to Impeach in the House [READ]

 There have been more than enough reasons to impeach President Obama for quite a while now, and it seems every week or two another scandal breaks, another reason is added to the list, and another person joins the growing chorus calling for impeachment.

Just recently, we had the illegal release of terrorists from Gitmo in exchange for a likely deserter, a slap in the face to all of the veterans that fought to capture guys like them, who are now stuck waiting on secret lists at their local VA hospital.

Of course, there are also the numerous scandals that he could already be impeached for, including Benghazi, the IRS targeting of conservatives, Obamacare, NSA spying, his anti-gun agenda, and several other unconstitutional and corrupt actions that have taken place in his administration.

There are most likely enough votes in the House of Representatives to begin the impeachment process, so says Rep. Lou Barletta from Pennsylvania, according to WND.

“We have a president who has taken this to a new level. And it’s put us in a real … position where he’s just absolutely ignoring the Constitution, ignoring the laws, ignoring the checks and balances,” he said.

“The problem is, what do you do? … For those who say impeach him for breaking the laws or not enforcing the laws, you know. Could that pass, in the House? It probably, it probably could. Are the majority of American people in favor of impeaching President Obama? I’m not sure,” he said.

“I think what happened in Virginia is what you’re going to start seeing around the country. … They’re going to look at their specific member of Congress and their own U.S. senator. If they don’t feel you’re standing up for them, they’re going to throw you out and they’re going to send somebody else there.”
“There’s a big message here,” he said. “People in Washington better pay close attention.”

There certainly should be enough votes in the House to impeach Obama, as that is the sector of government that Obama seems to ignore and disparage the most.  The Senate is a different story though, since as long as Harry Reid is in charge, impeachment wouldn’t even see the light of day.  But if the GOP takes the Senate in November, that story changes and impeachment becomes a viable option.

But we shouldn’t just stop at impeachment though, as impeachment would just remove Obama from office, and not address any of the many numerous crimes that have been committed.  For those he should be charged and prosecuted.