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The Times Rides to Mueller’s Rescue

Pat Buchanan, What caused the FBI to open a counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign in July 2016, which evolved into the criminal investigation that is said today to imperil the Trump presidency? As James Comey’s FBI and Special Counsel Robert Mueller have, for 18 months, failed to prove Donald Trump’s “collusion” with the Kremlin,

Trump Strikes Back at Federal Investigators and the Media

Debra J. Saunders, WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump bashed federal investigators on Twitter for the fourth day in a row Monday for what he called “the greatest witch hunt in U.S. political history.” At the same time, critics suggested that former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn’s guilty plea could present, as Washington Post columnist

The Soros District Attorney-Buying Binge

Matthew Vadum, An investment from the subversive billionaire can cripple local law enforcement for years. Left-Wing currency manipulator George Soros’s push to radically reshape the judiciary and elect extremist district attorneys across the country to weaken law enforcement and protect lawless sanctuary cities is bearing fruit. Soros has been pouring money into local elections because

Kentucky’s Public Pension Crisis Illustrates the Need for Pension Reform

Jesse Hathaway, Kentucky state lawmakers continue to delay reforming the state’s public pension systems. If changes are not implemented soon, the state’s underfunded and overtaxed pension plan crisis will devastate Kentucky, necessitating more tax hikes and additional crippling government debt for many years to come. Kentucky’s eight government pension plans are operated by three major

A Story of Shocking FBI Scandal

Wayne Root,  I am sad to bring you a story of what certainly appears to be shocking government abuse, corruption, scandal and violation of trust. I’m sad because it involves a federal government institution I’ve trusted my entire life- the FBI. It’s a national scandal that should leave every American shocked and shaken.  Is the FBI

The Washington swamp prepares to bite back

Matthew Vadum, Indictments in Mueller-Led Probe!  A grand jury convened by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III has indicted an unidentified person on unspecified charges in Mueller’s off-the-rails investigation into the Trump campaign’s hypothesized electoral collusion with Russia, according to media reports. The indictment could be unsealed as soon as today. Three congressional committees are

The Lib Enablers of Perv Photog Terry Richardson

Michelle Malkin, If you wonder why Hollywood stayed so quiet so long about casting couch abuse behind closed doors, just look at how the entertainment industry enabled perverted sexual exploitation of women in front of the camera. Fashion magazine moguls at Conde Nast have now reportedly blacklisted soft-porn celebrity photographer Terry Richardson from working on

Our Taxpayer Funded Palestinian Saddam

Daniel Greenfield, Terror, lies and taxpayer money. A tree may grow in Brooklyn, but a Saddam Hussein memorial has grown in Qalqilya. Qalqilya is one of those ancient, historic “Palestinian” cities. So it dates back all the way to 1893. The population of Qalqilya more than quadrupled under Israeli rule. That’s typical of Zionist genocide

Comey pressed for anti-Trump dossier in classified Russia report

Catherine Herridge, Pamela K. Browne, Cyd Upson, FBI Director James Comey considered an anti-Trump dossier compiled by a former British intelligence officer so important that he insisted the document be included in January’s final intelligence community report on Russian meddling in the U.S. election, Fox News was told. Sources would not speak on the record,