Republicans Just Announced A Bold Plan That Could Save American Hostages In Iran

Senate Republicans plan to force a vote on Thursday on a proposal that would bar President Obama from lifting sanctions against Iran. Under this agreement, before lifting the ban he must first see to it that four jailed Americans held by Iran are freed, and that Iran finally recognizes the right of Israel to exist.

“Democrats seem to think they can end the discussion…then turn around and pretend they care deeply about Israel and human rights,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY. “Well, if they vote again to deny the American people a final vote, they’ll have a chance to test the theory.”

“At the very least we should be able to provide some protection to Israel and long-overdue relief to Americans who’ve languished in Iranian custody for years,” McConnell said.

McDonnell read a letter written to Congress earlier this year by one of the prisoners, Amir Hekmati, who has been held for almost four years.

“For nearly three and a half years, I have been falsely imprisoned and treated inhumanely…While I am thankful that the State Department and the Obama administration has called for my release and that of my fellow Americans, there has been no serious response to this blatant and ongoing mistreatment,” the former Marine wrote.


Congressional Republicans have been procedurally blocked in their efforts to stop the deal so far. A 60-day congressional review period ends Thursday. That deadline will not end efforts to address the deal’s flaws, its critics said Tuesday

“This is an issue with a very, very long shelf life,” McConnell said. “And it will be before the American people for the next year and a half and certainly be a factor in their determination of who they want to lead our country as president in the next election.”

In the House of Representatives, three congressmen who are also veterans have authored legislation to pre-approve military action in case Iran breaks its vow in the agreement to “never seek, develop or acquire a nuclear weapon.”

“It’s necessary that Iran receive the message that the U.S. is prepared to destroy any and all capability and facilities without warning or prolonged negotiation,” said Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-CA, who supports the bill along with Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-IL, and Rep. Ryan Zinke, R-MT. “These are terms that Iran can actually understand and will be the difference between Iran acquiring a nuclear bomb or not.”

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